They say that only parents truly know love. It is often said that a parent’s love for their kids is something you have to experience first hand, in order to understand. So if that feeling really is that strong, then imagine how worried you would be if your child gets lost even for a few minutes? A toddler was lost in the cornfield and her tensed parents got help from the most unsuspecting party…

An Unexpected Day

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Like we said, a missing daughter would surely alarm a parent and rightfully so they called a search party to help find her. The corn stalks filled the entire field where the search party did their best. They made use of light to flash and hopefully get through to the little girl. Everyone was calling out for little Remy. As Timber joined in, she felt sick to her stomach suddenly.

A Noise?

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As she was also running through the filed along with the huge crowd helping her, she was beginning to feel a little numb and hopeless. She could feel the people rushing past her to hopefully get to the kid. The field was huge and she felt hope dim down more and more. The crowd had been in search of her daughter for hours now and she felt like she was gone forever, but then she heard something…

Sharp Silence

A Deafening Silence

It all started as a normal day at home. Timber was going about running her daily errands. There was no sign of the day turning so eventful in the worst possible manner. The sun was shining brightly and the light in the kitchen was so brighe she even had to cover her eyes. As she was done doing the dishes from the previous night, she sensed there was something terribly wrong, there was silence.

No One There

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On a typical day, she would have her hands full and immediately have to watch over her daughter. She would, on a normal day listen to her darling Remy’s laughs and murmurs from the kitchen when she played with the family dog terrier. She would keep the two in the yard until she finished the house chores. But this day was different as there was no one in sight and no sound… What happened?

No Sign Of Doggo

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Since she alone felt a little helpless, she decided to recruit the dog too. So Timber clapped her hands and blew a loud whistle. However, the only thing she could hear was the rustle and bustle of the fields of corn. The family dog’s name is Fat Heath. The dog would always show up everything she called or whistled but this time, no. What was wrong?