No one needs to be told how loving and adorable dogs are and can be. Even if you are a person who is afraid of dogs or doesn’t like them there are chances you might change your mind if you spend some time in their company. These animals reciprocate with tremendous compassion to the slightest sign of love you show to them.

Dogs have strong parental instincts too. The She dogs become very fierce and protective of their litter of puppies when they are born. And they are hurt as much as humans when they lose their little ones. This is the story of one such dog. It is of two dogs, actually, who had different traumatic experiences.

Dogs Are Love

Show them the slightest form of affection and love and dogs will become your best friends. They will sulk if they see you sad and waggle their tales like crazy when you are excited. They respond in the most amazing and heartfelt ways to your emotions. They are even known to heal people and get them out of depression. But what happens when it’s the dogs who are depressed?

Owner Surrenders

People adopt pets but some cruel ones, who find out that they were not ready to take on the responsibility, abandon their pets, these dogs are known as “owner surrenders”. If the dog is lucky enough, some animal shelter agency might find them and put them up for adoption but if the dogs find themselves in public shelters, more often than not, they are euthanized.

Conditions In Public Shelters

Public shelters cannot refuse to take in an animal, as a law. It is because of this that they are overcrowded and because of that a lot of animals are euthanized there. Chances are that if you leave your pet in an animal shelter, it will be ‘put down’ within days. How does your pet spend those days? Animals have a strong 6th sense, so they know when they are not wanted, they can feel what is going to happen to them.

Disturbing Last Days

These dogs spend their days at the shelter in stress and confusion and they literally seclude themselves, in their sadness. If owners knew the conditions their dogs were kept in or what happened to them in a few days, public animal shelters would be a lot emptier. More than a million dogs in the U.S are euthanized every year. This was also going to be the fate of the dog we are going to talk about.

Strong Maternal Instincts

You really do not need to get into deep scientific stuff, suffice is to know that Oxytocin is a hormone that is known to cause love and jealousy and when a She dog is about to become a mama, her body releases this hormone making her extra protective and overly caring of her litter. The maternal instincts need a vent out, but what happens when a dog whose motherly instincts are strong doesn’t get to be a mother?

Need No Humans

A mama dog, who has delivered her babies in good health does not require any human intervention to take care of her litter. The motherly instinct makes her fierce enough to take care of herself and her little ones. However, dogs become depressed if their motherly instincts do not get a channel to be directed to. It happened with this particular dog.