The Ek Chuaj Shrine

The team of technical divers also recovered a shrine of Ek Chuaj, the Mayan god of war and commerce. Even a stairway is found which is filled with the ancient arts throughout the walls.

Ancient Connections

These new discoveries have revealed so much for the scientists that now they are looking for a connection between the different ancient societies that at one time lived in this area. The most amazing will be the link between the early men and the Mayan civilization.

Far From Complete

So far, the scientist has discovered a lot but they are still expecting that these caves are hiding away more secrets of history. The Gran Acuifeo Maya team is certain about bigger discoveries from the peninsula.

Not Yet Completed

Last November, researchers from the Great Maya Aquifer project recovered evidence of a blocked passageway under the main temple at the world heritage site Chichén Itzá. Researchers say it may be connected to a sinkhole under the temple, which could further assist the ancient Maya culture’s connection to the region’s rapid underwater world.

See It To Believe It

Above is the video of this amazing cave and an interview of one of the scientists who tell us the relevance of these caves and what a great deal this cave consists of. Hope you enjoy the video!