Power Of Public

When the public decides to come together as a force, they can do wonders. Within 24 hours after the picture was posted, the funding page had raised a stupendous amount of $10,000, which was more than double of what they had tried to raise in two years since the formation of the page.


Kaizler’s treatment was supported by a thousand people, and so many people had prayed for him. Each session he had with the doctors was proving out to be successful and he has been on the path of recovery ever since. Baby Kaizler had his last treatment in April 2019, and he is celebrating life since then.

The Identity Revealed

Who was that angelic stranger was a mystery that the Wood family desperately wanted to solve. After much searches, it was established that Illuminaughty was an Indian Twitter user, whose name is Hegde, and had randomly been so generous to the Wood family. 

Stop Hating, Start Loving

With the statement, ‘Stop Hating, Start Loving’, much is radiated of the identity of Hegde. He had been extravagantly lucky for the Wood family and had no false intentions, but just positive ones in helping the family. There is much that can be learned from a person like him.

No Accident

It was all written, the fate was decided. The Wood family believed in the power of God, and God showed his power to the family and did not let their faith drop-down or even shake a little. Kaziler’s last chemo session was successful, and he is living a healthy life now.