
Under the name of ‘Illuminaughty’, a stranger had not just joined the Facebook Page for Kaizler’s prayers, but had also got to know about the ‘GoFundMe’, for Kaizler’s treatment to be funded and had posted the link on the Facebook Page tweeting it to Mandi Miller’s post as well. That is where things started to take a turn.

A Strange Request

The question that now came forward was that who was this “Illuminaughty”? Was it Syd, the girl who had accidentally sent in her pictures, or was it someone else who had been following the threads of the happenings of the Wood family, without fail? And the request that had come in from this stranger would make things turn all around.

Upside Down

Illuminaughty had requested Tony to post a picture of Kaizler in the same way as was done by the rest of the five kids since he was then missing from the picture. And it turned out, that it was not just this stranger, but a lot of other people who wanted to see Kaizler in the same pose as well. And it was this photo of Kaziler posted by Tony, that made all the change. 


After Twitter went in total awe of Kaizler’s picture, it hardly took any time for the GoFundMe Page to become a fervid platform. Twitterati family had in huge amounts donated for the treatment of Kaizler, and the amount of people that were generous was nowhere less.


The social media became so giving for Kaizler, that the number of donations the page had gotten was not imagined by the Woods ever. Tony said, “I remember tweeting about how the GoFundMe had received an extra $1,000! We were so excited — that $1,000 was going to be a BIG deal for us in our current situation.”

A Blessing In Disguise

The stranger Illuminaughty had become an angel for the Wood family. The asking of Kaizler’s picture, the posting of the funding page on twitter, had added up to the Wood family what they had never thought of. The whole family was too curious to know as to who this person was, who was so keen on helping them? And the best was still yet to come.