8 Weeks

The very first ultrasound takes place around the 8th week of pregnancy that is nearly around the second month after conceiving a child. Before this, the fetus is too small to be seen through the naked eye. And as Alex completed her second month, it was time for her doctor to peep into her womb and uncover the hidden.

That’s Happening

And the doctor saw exactly what Alex and Antonin wanted and have been desiring to see. Yes, they were having twins. Alex’s egg probably had split into two and there she was pregnant with twins. The couple was delighted that their dream was about to come true. But Alex wasn’t the first one to have twins then what made her pregnancy a history taking place in 480 years?

Another One

With a twin pregnancy, one has to be even more careful. The expectant mother needs more care and nourishment. As well as more of medical help get necessary. Under this situation, Kinova’s doctor suggested her to have another ultrasound in her second trimester. What was the matter?


While performing the ultrasound the doctor saw two babies in Alex’s womb. Alex’s belly grew enormous due to the conception of two kids. Antonin was concerned and constantly asked the doctor if everything was fine or not. And just then the doctor saw something unexpected in her womb.

Something Strange

The moment the doctor saw the monitor screen she had her jaws dropped. She wasn’t hoping to see anything like that. She says to herself that somehow she knew something was strange but what couldn’t figure that out. These words stressed the expectant couple and their happiness suddenly disappeared.

Taken Aback

The words that followed the doctor’s mouth stressed the couple to an unimaginable extent. They were eagerly looking for this baby and such comments from doctor gave them every reason to worry. Little did they know that it was history in making.