Hug Me Like You Do!

tiny-baby-big-dog-38.jpgWho needs a hug? The kid loves to shower his dogs with hugs. The dog too loves the affectionate behavior of his tiny friend. They are out on a picnic in a park and are immensely enjoying each other company. Though they must have come with their mother and father it seems that they just don’t remember any other person in the world as they are too busy hugging each other. The mom and dad found it a great view to capture. Thanks to them that we today are able to witness such a beautiful picture of an amazing bond.

Friends With Secrets!

tiny-baby-big-dog-39.jpgThe dog here is trying to convince the sad kid that he is his true friend and she should share everything with him. The girl is perhaps sad about the food she was served today or because her mother did not make her wear her favorite dress. It could be anything. The dog is ready to listen to every complaint of her as this is what best friends are for. We really hope the small girl would soon confide in her best friend and would have her heart lightened. But the question is what has made this small girl so upset?

Bed Time!

tiny-baby-big-dog-40.jpgTime to sleep but first we will hear a story. The dog and his buddy are waiting for mom or dad to come and read them a story. As both of them are busy with something. So they are playing with each other to kill the time. They both love to cuddle with each other and has been together since kid’s birth. The picture clearly translates the unbreakable bond of both. The parents would come back to them after getting their work done and they both would listen to a story that would take them to dreamland. But if their parents are too busy with the house stuff then who took this picture?

 Ice Cream

tiny-baby-big-dog-22.jpgSomeone took their photo when they were probably waiting for the ice cream truck. The dog is taller than him so he is keeping his little friend updated about the movement on the road. They look more like brothers, the dog clearly behaves as the elder one. The tiny child is relying entirely on his friend to get all the update. As you can see the small pal is looking at him to know what is going on out on the road. Their friendship has grown into something so beautiful. They too like other ones on our list are inseparable and spends most of their time together.

We have discussed all the cutest picture that exists on earth. We are sure you would have loved them. The dogs ARE simply the best companions one can have.