The Best Version Of Justice League

tiny-baby-big-dog-32.jpgHere we present the cutest version of Wonder Woman, Superman, and Batman. By looking at their expression it is clear that they are all set to go on their duty of saving the world. I believe they would do a fantastic job as who would like to defeat such cute warriors. If ever someone would dare to harm the Superman the other two team members would surely come to the fore to take the revenge. These three best friends make the cutest avengers we know.

Not all friendship starts with a smile some has unexpected beginning. The next story on the friendship explains that perfectly. 

I Am A Friend!

tiny-baby-big-dog-33.jpgEven while crying the baby looks so cute. Perhaps this is the first time he is meeting this dog and is crying out of fear. But the dog on the other side is happy having him around and is trying to convince the kid that he is no harm but just want to be friends with him. We are sure that with the constant efforts by the dog they would surely make good friends eventually. Then the dog would have Siberian Huskies are known for their friendly nature towards humans. They are a great companion.    

Christmas Is Coming!

tiny-baby-big-dog-34.jpgYayyy, here comes the Christmas! Both the buddies have fit themselves into same outfits of reindeer and are waiting for the festival to come. They have their list of gifts ready and would show only to the Santa. The dogs usually don’t like wearing clothes so we can understand how he must be feeling in these tight clothes. But he can undergo this much of pain as long as his best friend is with him. Surely, their cuteness would have got them more presents then they would even have expected.     

Together At Every Crawl Of Life

tiny-baby-big-dog-35.jpg“You are doing well” this is what the dog is whispering in the ear of this tot who is learning crawling. The dog is encouraging him and assuring him that he is with him on every step of life. The kid too has begun to gain confidence and is crawling forward. The kid surely has a very nice mentor and companion. The do must also be waiting for the day when the kid would take him on an evening walk every day. But for now, let us concentrate on his crawling. The dog is not doing it out of selflessness, he also needs a companion to run and play with.

Are You Ready For Some Football?

tiny-baby-big-dog-36.jpgIn this picture, we have next football star. The kid is trying to convince his companion to play with him. Dog, on the other hand, could not make anything of his companion gestures. The toddler wants to teach his giant fellow to throw a ball. The dog who also is like a mother figure to the kid is trying to understand him. She has been with the kid since his birth and continues to stay by his side. She also must be waiting for the day when her friend would become a star footballer. The picture is too cute to ignore that’s why we have it on our list. 

Selfie King!

tiny-baby-big-dog-37.jpgLet’s take a selfie! It seems the small baby in the picture likes to take a lot selfie with his big buddy. Their friendship dates back to the time when the baby was born. They have been together since then. The kid and the dog are showing their chubby chicks off. Along with the boy the giant dog too, is giving a good pose. These photos make a great memory. Both look extremely cute in the picture and we are sure the kid would adore these pictures, even more, when he will grow up.