The Yantian Port

Yantian, a deepwater port located in Dapeng Bay is believed to become the mainland’ second-busiest container port. After seven months of this port becoming an administrative district, the Yantian port has been busy 24/7 without stopping. “As the trend goes on, Yantian will become one of the top 10 container ports in the world,” said the vice-magistrate. The Yantian port was getting busier day by day, which was also becoming very hectic for the authorities. Every day and night several cargo ships were coming and leaving. The process which might seem easy to us in fact, it’s not. There is a lot of paperwork involved as the sea couldn’t be checked the way we can keep eye on the land. But we humans have a limit. Bad times don’t come knocking on your door. The same happened that day when this ship was able to cross the checkpoint and was holding something unexpectable inside.

Only One Left

The person who was responsible for to check the ship that has been docked at the port noticed something unusual. He was holding the pad that had a chart filled with information about the ships. He was confused because this one ship was nowhere in the chart. Even he had no idea when this ship was docked here as the information that could tell him about it wasn’t with him. Afraid that he might lose his job he didn’t say anything to his seniors but eventually he did because this was a matter of national security.

Break The Locks

The officials broke the lock and opened the gates. The container wasn’t empty instead was stuffed with blue-and-red striped bags. The officials once again met with the same smell that they were greeted with inside the ship. They were sure that this is the same container that was inside. When they sliced open one of the bags it was filled with coal. But coal doesn’t smell like this. There was more than what meets the eye. And if it was coal then why hide it in the first place? And the smell was still there.

Trying To Escape

When Li told the police that this phone wasn’t his as he has bought it secondhand, he was telling a lie. He was trying to fool the police because now the police would be checking the person from he has bought the phone. The secondhand phone theory was his plan to escape the police custody as the police won’t be able to take him in without evidence. But then police noticed something in the photograph.

One Mistake

The secondhand theory could have worked but Li wasn’t that smart as he thought he was. In the photograph, Li’s foot could be seen. The foot also had a mole that was one the same location as Li’s foot. When the investigators compared the feet they were sure that it was the same feet. The police had the proof and that’s all they needed.