One thing that Leonardo de Caprio’s movie The Revenant, that by the way got him that long overdue Oscar, taught us about bears is that even if they are not messed with, can tear you from limb to limb. It reinstates the bestial nature of the bears and even though most people know that brown grizzlies like feeding on fruits and berries, it is also a commonly known fact that when they are extremely hungry the males can also eat their young ones.

But these aggressive tendencies are shown by the bears in the wild. What about bears who are forced into confinement? People expect them to be more aggressive and sometimes they prove people right.

Not Meant To Be Confined

Brown bears, also called grizzlies, found in most of Europe, US and Canada are considered one of the most dangerous animals on earth. Not only is their size dominating, they are literally capable of causing the death of any being using their paws. These large bears can hardly find enough wild space in nature anymore, thanks to the exponential way in which deforestation is taking place, on top of that they are being confined in spaces like zoos. Animals kept in captivity tend to be more aggressive at times.

Budapest Zoo

The official name of the place is Budapest Zoo & Botanical Garden and it does not just keep animals on display. It is a professional conservation workhouse and place that safeguards endangered creatures. It has various conservation programs and is collaborated with organizations such as WWF. It can be safely assumed that the animals here receive the best care and are mostly kind to each other but one incident made everyone doubt that.

The Cacophonous Crows

For some time now hooded black crows had been troubling the residents of the Budapest zoo. Stealing meat from tigers, lions and even bears and the zoo authorities had to make sure to protect small animals like the guinea pigs because crows are vicious and can prey on them. Just when one of these crows was on a stealing expedition, it was unlucky to fall into a pool and since crows can’t swim, it started drowning. 

The Tenant

Unfortunately for the crow, the pool that it fell in belonged to the area where a bear resided. The entire incident was recorded by a visitor on video. The female bear in the picture is Vali. She was just lurking around the pond when she noticed a disturbance in the waters. It piqued her curiosity and she went closer to look what the hubbub in her usually quiet pond was about. The video camera knew it before she did.

Getting A Closer Look

Vali, to get a closer look, stepped on the rock in the pond, which eerily enough, had a carcass of a bird on it as if as a sign of Vali’s potential. It obviously had been Vali’s prey, and she even moved around it with familiarity. The crow in the pond was not moving for a while but then it made a sudden desperate attempt to fly with its wings when it saw Vali closing in. Was this going to be another prey of Vali’s?

Freaking Crow

The crow had been trying to sneak out of the pond without making a noise but the moment it saw Vali approaching, it freaked out and it even alerted Vali. It can be seen fanatically flapping wings, hoping to fly out of water or it simply wished to drown- anything is better than being eaten alive really. The people could only pity the not so pitiable bird for the fate it was about to reach but there was a twist they did not expect.