Was It Time?

“To us, it would have meant that we didn’t have what it takes to make our marriage work – and we’re both too stubborn and determined for that. So, it forced us to reassess situations,” said the Northville resident. So, was it actually the right time to open the box? What was stopping them?

Hidden Fears

“What if this isn’t our worst fight? What if there’s a worse one ahead of us and we don’t have our box?!” The mother of two further added, “as my Great Uncle Bill would say, ‘Nothing is ever so bad that it couldn’t get worse.’” The couple finally took the bold step of unwrapping the gift.

Let’s Do It

Brandon pulled the box out of the closet and kept it on the dining table. They looked at each other and then at the box. Over the past 9 years, the couple made more than hundreds of guesses about what was inside. Sadly, none of their guesses were going to be correct.

More Instructions

All the guesses proved wrong when they saw more notes and some unpacked bathroom items with two wine glasses along with a vase. To clear the couple’s doubts, they were just supposed to follow the instructions on the notes. 

Strict Orders

 “Go get a pizza, shrimp or something you both like. Get a bath ready,” was written on Kathy’s note while Brandon’s note read, “Go get flowers and a bottle of wine.” Kathy recalled, “All along, we assumed that the contents of that box held the key to saving a marriage. An age-old trick – unbeknownst to us rookies.”

50 Years Of Experience

Her aunt gave her an accurate gift for the tiff situation. She told, “After all, my Great Aunt and Uncle had been married for nearly half a century. So, we thought the box would save ‘us’ – and in a way it did. That box went beyond what I believe my Great Aunt had intended. It was by far the greatest wedding gift of all.”