Not Out Of The Woods

Even though they were relieved to learn that all the 3 babies were stable, there were a few other things that needed to be checked. “We still have to remember these babies are still small and they still are predisposed to other complications,” reveals their doctor. Since they were born together, they each needed careful handling so the doctors had to keep eye on them still.

Just To Be Sure

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“And, again, long-term issues. But, so far, we’re excited that everything has turned out very well,” Dr. Daneshmand revealed in his interview. Angie and Gino could now breathe a little as their biggest fear of the triplets not being born healthy were over. The doctors and the couple had worked together with a successful outcome so of course, they should celebrate.

Neonatal Unit

After Angie rested for a while, she was now ready to meet with her babies. After getting enough rest, Gino wheeled Angie up and entered the neonatal unit. Here the babies had been kept under close surveillance to make sure nothing else went wrong. They could finally get to see them and interact with them closely and intimately.

Tears Of Joy

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Angie had wanted a daughter for a long while now so she felt accomplished to finally give birth. Just like she had stated before delivering, she held one baby close to her chest and the mom simply whispered, “It feels so right.” Since she had been waiting for a long time, this was certainly an emotional experience for her. Tears fell on her cheeks as she cradled her baby.

What Was She Thinking About?

Pregnancy is by no means an easy experience. You need to be physically and mentally very strong and capable to give birth successfully. It is psychologically draining and physically, a huge task. Angie had been enduring all of the hardships that her pregnancy brought but was finally free. Angie later spoke about what was going through her head when everything was done.

Happy To Hold Them

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“It was only a few hours apart from them, but I really missed them,” she later revealed to the interviewer. She revealed just how attached she was to her babies already and concluded that she felt happy to see them again. “…it feels good to be reunited,” she expressed.