Jerry and Janice and their growing family underwent a big change when the couple moved into a new house in the peaceful town, Carmel Valley. They had found their dream house. It was beautiful and comfy. However, their happy and peaceful life took a drastic turn when someone began to trouble them. It all began with a note that they found outside their house making an offer on the house to an online ad featuring Janice with some unspeakable content. The unfortunate chain of incidents had started to make the couple lose their sanity. They even installed cameras outside their house but that too did not stop the mysterious person from harming them.

However, the identity of the mysterious person eventually got revealed. The person finally got caught. And when the couple learned who was that mysterious person their jaw dropped. It was a BLOW!

The Beginning

They had found themselves a small and sweet home in Carmel Valley. It was exactly the way they wanted. You can call it their “Dream House.” The house was not very small or big in size. Just perfect for their small family. Janice was nine months pregnant at the time of purchasing of the house. Renee Milton was their agent who got them that house. It also had a pleasant ambiance. The neighborhood was quiet and peaceful.


The date of moving was decided so they started packing their stuff. They wanted to move in immediately. So they impatiently started waiting for the day. However, they were not aware that once they would get shifted into that house their lives would not remain the same.    

Dream House

Finally, the day arrived, Jerry and Janice moved into their house. It all seemed like a perfect dream. They had gotten more than they had expected. But as they say, everything good comes with its cost. The couple did not have any idea that this brand new change in their lives was going to be dented with a horrifying chain of events that they were going to suffer. 

Good Surrounding

Neighbors were very good and friendly. The town enjoyed the status of being peaceful and low key. And that is the very reason why they chose this particular region. 

Simply Perfect

Jerry and Janice’s life was next to perfect. They were living a dream until they found a note lying outside their main door. The note offered the couple $100,000 in exchange of their newly bought house. They had not made any offer to anyone. Why would they sell their house when they were already in love with it?

On Sale?

Upon further investigation, they learned that someone had put up their house on sale on Zillow, an online real estate website. Janice remembered, “Jerry called me one day and asked me if I had listed their home on Zillow for sale. I couldn’t understand who would take a home that we purchased and put it online. Who was it that wanted them out of the house so bad?”