Irish names

0615_irish-signsIrish names are notoriously difficult to spell, let alone pronounce. For instance, many times when you see the letter “m” followed by the letter “h”, the sound that is supposed to be made is similar to that of the letter “v.” It turns out that the way that we have all been pronouncing the name McCaughey in our heads is different than what we would think the spelling would be. It turns out the name McCaughey should be pronounced as “McCoy.”

Keeping private

dbd3968ea96f37270a79f3bdde14ae06We all know that Kenny and Bobbi wanted their children away from all kind of media attention. It was because of this reason that they made sure that their children didn’t feature in any international newspaper. They had refrained to do any interviews since the time when their kids were 14 years old. It was only their graduation and 18th birthday that the family made some headlines.


article-0-005A763300000258-60_634x383The McCaugheys had a giant web of support. They had people from all over the community coming in to help take care of all of the children. All in all, there were 35 people volunteering their time to help take care of the kids, all of whom would work on rotating shifts of four to five hours. We can guarantee that Octomom certainly never had this kind of help. The McCaugheys sure are lucky!

Septs by the numbers

Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 11.38.04There are a few issues with being able to tell how much the McCaughey family used to spend a month raising their kids. They have a good amount of land, and since produce is expensive, they have to grow a lot of it themselves. But, we do know that they have two of nearly every appliance – two sinks, two washers, two dryers, etc. In fact, when the kids were at home, the family was doing 17 loads a week.

Tube fed

Screen Shot 2017-10-09 at 11.41.34When the children were first born, two of them had to be tube fed – Natalie and Lexi. Lexi has a muscular disorder which made it difficult to eat, while Natalie had a form of severe acid reflux which caused her enormous pain anytime she ate. However, 20 years later, both of the girls are just doing fine, and they are able to eat anything they want.