I Loved It

Ariel tells Quinn that this ring is exactly what she wanted and he need not be disheartened by what all the saleswoman said. The duo was happy as they stood by each other and in the days to come they would also be celebrating their second anniversary. And this would be a grand event.

It’s A Yes

The couple celebrated their second anniversary at the  Tennessee courthouse. They repeated their vows and promised to stay with each other lifelong. Ariel in her long post even said that she would have married Quinn even if he would have proposed her with a 25¢ gumball machine ring. Now, this was cute. What next now?

Blown Away

One thing that Ariel was very proud of was that her post received many responses at which she was blown away. She said that there were people who thanked her for giving them the courage to step forward and propose to the love of their life even with the smallest ring they could afford. She was feeling great about this.


In words of Ariel, she wrote this post not only because of the woman at the jewelry store’s comment but also because her family and friends were asking her that whether she would be upgrading this ring into a lavish one once she could afford it. Ariel had a great thing to say.

A Bonus

Ariel wrote something really beautiful and deep in her post. She said, “I wanted people to understand that … a ring is just a bonus. You’re not marrying someone for a ring. You’re marrying someone because you love them,”. And people actually loved what she said as evident from a few comments that followed.


While there were thousands of comments to her post, there were three comments in particular that garnered much attention. In those ones, people had shared their real-life experiences and each of them had an equally loud reaction from the audience.