Chris and Colleen Otcasek were just an ordinary couple. They wanted to get a place of their own and started looking for a house that they were happy with. So just like any other couple would do, these two started contacting agents to help them look for houses. When they were scouting for a new home, they found a place that they both agreed on. It was located in a neighborhood that the two both liked, so they were adamant on getting the place. Little did they know that this place contained a secret in the back garden that was about to shock everyone…

Brand New House

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Chris and Colleen Otcasek were just like any other married couple. They decided that it was about time they found a place of their own. They started searching for homes in Los Angeles, California. When they saw a house in Philiprimm Street, they both agreed that it was the best option. This house was situated in the San Fernando Valley Neighborhood, Woodland Hills. It was constructed by famous architect Charles DuBois in the 60s. The house was all that they had ever wanted because the interiors and the whole outlay of the place was something they were both looking for.

Home StyleA New Home

The home was designed in the style of desert modernism that originated from Palm Springs School of Architecture. The couple soon moved in and would eventually uncover this big secret the house was holding onto. The back garden had a suspicious metal hatch leading into the ground. For anyone, it would be very exciting but at the same time, quite intimidating to start living in a new home because you never know what has taken place there before. This actually led to the secret that this couple was unaware of during the time they purchased the house.

A Mysterious Secret

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So the Otcaseks then settled into their new house but still had not gone to see what the mysterious metal hatch in the backyard leads to. The house was a dream for this couple and they did not have any complaints as to how it was designed and built. They were very content on the style in which it was made. They were very happy with the whole aesthetics of the place. And indeed the house was a dream come true for them. The impressive house contained four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a fireplace, and also a pool.

50 Year Old Secret

A Mysterious Secret

They happened to miss the metal hatch that lay in the back garden and would soon see what it was keeping all along. What lay under the metal hatch was actually a creepy shaft with a ladder that leads into the darkness. What was in this weird place and how come they never discovered it before? If someone was buying property, would they not check what is there first and would they not be a little inquisitive of the history? It turns out, there was something that nobody had ever seen in over 50 years, a relic of sorts.

Fascinating Find

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This house was truly the best place the Otcaseks could ever find for themselves. However, the $600,000 property had something that made it distinct. And when we say distinct, it is not distinct in the way you might have expected it to be. It was, in fact, the metal hatch that was kept in the backyard of this home that made the house a lot more interesting. The realtors did speak about the space under the metal hatch and suggested using it as a wine cellar or even a man cave.

Unable To Uncover

Fascinating Find

You might think that it is a little suspicious that the Otcaseks did not look inside the mysterious object. It was because they were not allowed to go inside and find out because they were not the owners and were not allowed. So even if the Otcaseks were very intrigued by what was lying under their potential home, they would not be able to check for themselves. Until they bought the property, they could never be sure of what all it contained. As soon as they did though, they made a discovery that gave them the shock of their lives.