Wait Over

It was after two years she was going to meet Emily. Elizabeth, 15,  had tears in her eyes when she learned that she was going to meet her younger sister in a few hours. Garrets did not take long to gell with Elizabeth. The girl came across as a lively, talkative, and amazing. 

History Repeating

Garrets remembered both the time when they departed from the orphanage with Emily and  Elizabeth. At the time of Emily’s departure, the little girl looked sad and the couple too felt a sense of grief in the air but at the time Elizabeth’s, there were happiness and smiles. The 15-year-old girl was all smiles.   

Dream Came True

It all was like a dream. Elizabeth had never expected that a letter would change her life to this extent. From now on sshe was no more an orphan. She had a home and most importantly a family. The family she had been adopted to was the best she could get. Now the only thing she wanted was to see Emily. 

Much-Awaited Reunion

Vern shares the moments when Elizabeth saw Emily. As the couple and Elizabeth were pacing down the terminal, the girl saw Emily waiting for them. Vern said, “We were walking down the terminal, and Elizabeth suddenly identified Emily and just broke into a dead run.” “They came to each other and embraced, and without exaggerating I would say it’s a good minute that they held each other.”

A Foundation

The couple did not stop there. Just after a year of Elizabeth’s adoption, they went on to start the Save A Child Foundation. They founded the organization with the aim of encouraging Utah natives to adopt orphans from Ukraine. And in the endeavor, they adopted their tenth kid from the same orphanage. They named the child Andrew.

Heart Touching

Didn’t this story tug at your heartstrings? Who knew the couple’s decision to follow their dream would give new lives to so many kids. Adopting three kids in a row is not easy. It can leave you financially strained but the couple did not worry about that. If only this world had more people like Garrets.