Moment Of Disbelief

Though everything was crystal clear in front of Matthew, he was still uncertain until the end. He was doubtful was Michael the same kid that he had delivered years back. Every evidence was clearly indicating the same. He still tried to remember the details of the birth of the boy to the story of Michael’s birth. He clearly remembered that he had not been in such a situation after that incident and only he knew about the birth and no one else. So the theory was true that he had helped to deliver Michael years back.

Digesting The Reality

It was difficult for both the men to digest the truth they had just unraveled. They were surprised as now they didn’t even reside in the same city. They had met after ages in another city and that too by chance. What if Michael wouldn’t have noticed the tint on the BMW and just in case the driver of the car wouldn’t have stopped. They would have never been able to discover such an incident.

Returning Home

When both the men returned to their home, they first told their wives about the memorable day. The women asked their husbands if they had exchanged their numbers or not. They were both in shock that they were so carried away at the moment and had just forgotten to take each other’s number to remain in contact. Would they be able to contact each other again?

The Note

Michael somehow managed to get Matthew’s number and left a note on his doorstep. When Matthew saw that note the other day he was overjoyed that the kid who he helped years back had tried to contact him and was grateful for his help. He wasted no time and contacted Michael to plan another meeting.

Telling The News

Michael knew that there was one more person who would be really happy to hear the news. So he wasted no more time and dialed his mother’s number. When she heard about the same her joy was unexplainable. She always felt guilty of not thanking the officer enough for helping her in those crucial moments and now fate has finally given her a chance to thank him again.


She too asked his whereabouts and Michael told her that he had retired from his services and is leading a peaceful life with his wife and kids. She was happy to hear that he was doing good in his life. She also wanted to meet him and thank him again personally, Michael told her about the plan that they had made.