William Jazwinski

William Jazwinski was one of the soldiers who was sent to the zone right after his training was completed. Just like other soldiers, William too left his girlfriend, mother behind on a difficult journey full of problems. Leaving for the zone, knowing that how returning back is an unpredictable thing brought tears in everyone’s eyes. When duty calls, soldiers take off. That’s what they are trained for over the years; prepared for that one moment. William left his family behind for over a year. Meanwhile, the brave soldier was on foreign lands, his mother and girlfriend prayed for his safe return. William always had a passion to work for his nation. When he was deployed on the zone, it was the opportunity to serve his nation. 

PSTD, Is It?

When William was still lost in the horrible memories of past, his family decided to take him for counseling. He was suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a mental disorder that affects an individual’s thinking. It disturbs the normal way our emotions work, a silent person may become aggressive or a talkative person may start staying silent most of the time. Although it is a common scenario with most of the soldiers when they return from the warfare it should not be taken lightly.

One Long Drive

So, one fateful day William was returning from his routine counseling session which was helping him but not enough. It was on this day that one encounter with a cop was about to change things for the young man. He was returning to his home in Lefors, Texas when on the way he was made to stop, but for what?A police car following him around was a quite unexpected thing to happen…

Flashing Lights

All this happened within a span of five minutes and that’s when the police car’s lights started to flash. This was the sign. They were behind William and wanted him to stop his car. This was it, he was supposed to pull over the car, therefore he did. When the officer came and stood next to William, the soldier needed answers. He wanted to know why was he asked to pull over the car when he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Just to be sure that he was driving at the right speed he put his question in a nice form…


“Do you mind stepping out and receiving a hug?” the cop requested. William who was feeling equally emotional didn’t know what to say to the cop. The two were in need of that hug. William couldn’t believe that he was feeling he has known this stranger for like ever.