Sons Of Khnum-Aa

In 1907, the researchers uncovered two mummies that were found some 400 kilometers south of Cairo, believed to be 4,000 years old. Two mummies were named Khnum-Nakht and Nakht-Ankh. Each tomb had a named engraved on the tomb “Khnum-Aa.” The researchers believed that she was the mother of the two mummies. In 2018, DNA result proved the theory and she was indeed a mother of the two. 

The Ankhnespepy Pyramidion

Queen Ankhnespepy II ruled Egypt until her son was ready to be the pharaoh. The archeologists found her funerary buildings that had Ankhnespepy’s tomb and pyramid. It seemed that she was very influential and the first queen whose name was carved on the monuments. In the year 2017, they also unearthed obelisk that was believed to be related to the queen itself. 

Hathor’s Musician

In 2017, an abandoned Egyptian woman remains were discovered near a 3,200 years old copper mine which was under the control of the Egyptian king. This woman seemed to be an elite because of the fact that only the higher class Egyptian were buried in the site of Timma. The woman was in her twenties and her head, torso, and arms were missing. But why she died in such a young age still remains a mystery.

Statue’s Death And Rebirth

In 2014, a team of archeologists discovered a pit next to the temple. Inside there was a statue of Ptah who was the god craftsmen and sculptors. The statue was created by these same artists who worshipped Ptah. For several years, the statue was worshipped by the devotees who washed it regularly and fed it during the ritual. But some 2,000 years ago the statue was damaged and nobody renovated it. In the pit, there was carved cat, Sphinx, and baboon. There were two other statues of the god Osiris and Mut.

The Oldest Figurative Tattoos

A pair of a man and a woman was found in Gebelein, south of Luxor. The simple burial process showed that this pair wasn’t important individuals. But their participation helped the researchers in further investigation. For many years, dark spot on mummies was discarded as they seemed like a wound, but after this discovery where they found a tattoo on their body, things changed. They found a bull and Barbary sheep on the man’s skin. S-shaped illustration on the woman’s shoulder and upper arm. These tattoos are around 5,000 years old and showed that the tattoo designing was done by these people.

King Tut’s Camping Bed

Howard Carter was the person who discovered Tutankhamen’s grave in 1922. He even found several beds alongside the grave. But there was this one bed which was very unique. It was a fold-up bed that was very strange. Tutankhamen died around 1323 BC. There were many scars on the bed and it seemed like workers tried several mechanisms to make the bed as comfortable as they could for the king.