The Plot Thickens

Strikingly, the three of them had a different socioeconomic background. Whereas Robert was raised in a comparatively wealthy home as his adoptive father was a doctor, Eddie came from a middle-class home and lastly, David belonged to a working class. His father was a store owner named “Bubala.”  

A Predetermined Decision

Usually, the adoptive parents are selected randomly in cases of twins or triplets. However, here the case was totally different. It looked as if the families were cherry-picked by the agency. Everything was well planned by the organization. Why did the agency do that?     

The Truth Revealed

tripletsAll the questions of triplets were put to rest when journalist Lawrence Wright came up with a revelation about the triplets. He confirmed that the triplets were the subject of a study that sought the answer to the question if a person’s development is based on life experience or DNA. Scaringly, the agency did not provide only the triplets as a subject for study but also five other sets of twins.

Guinea Pig!

twin studiesTo make experiments more fruitful it is important to control as many variables as possible. Along with that, it is also important to have every other thing to be consistent. That is why the triplets were sent to three different families having a different socioeconomic background. And that is the reason why all of them had an about two years older sister.    

An Immoral Experiment

Normally, the previous nature vs. nurture experiments is based on the slew of interviews and assessment that is taken a long time after the twins or triplets gets separated. But in this case, the experiment stretched to the lives of siblings when they got matured.   

The Ultimate Irony

peter neubauerThe purveyor of this horrible experiment was Dr. Peter Neubauer, a child psychiatrist, and psychoanalyst. At that time he used to serve as the director of the Child Development Center in Manhattan. Ironically, Neubauer was previously a refuge of World War Two from Austria. Furthermore, his method of conducting the study shares a great similarity with the experiments done during the mid-1940s in  World War II.