1980 is a very special year for Robert Shafran as it brought a bounty of surprises for him. It is in the same year he tasted freedom to its fullest. He got enrolled in a college and for the first time in his life, he moved out of his home. And yeah, in this very year he stumbled upon a mystery that made him question his own existence and helped him bust a vicious racket that had been going on for years without anyone’s notice.

College’s First Day

Robert belonged to a well to do family. He was very excited about going to the college. Like every other teenager, Robert had a lot of expectations from his new life. He loved making friends and had already planned everything he would be doing in college. It was only a few days for him to become a college boy. However, he had no idea what was awaiting him. Robert got enrolled in Sullivan County Community college. Naturally, just like every fresher, he was a bit nervous and excited on the first day of his college. But when he entered into the campus all his doubts disappeared into thin air. He noticed something very unusual.triplets

A Doppelganger?

When Robert entered through the door his roommate Michael Domitz had to double take on him. He told Robert that he looks exactly like his ex-roommate Eddy Galland. So, was Eddy Robert’s doppelganger? Furthermore, Robert could not believe his ears when Michael made another astonishing revelation about Eddy. One thing leads to another! Curious Robert began to ask more and more question about Eddy. Similarly, one day the two were talking about Eddy when Michael came up with another amazing information about him. Eddy and Robert had their birthday on the same day. A coincidence? To get the answer to all these questions, he needed to meet Eddy. He asked his roommate if he could make him meet his doppelganger?

Shocking Revelation

Finally, came the moment when Eddy and Robert came face to face. The two felt as if they were looking into a mirror. How was that possible? From color, hair to facial features everything looked same. Now Eddy understood why was he mistaken for Eddy in the college. On the other hand, Eddy stood frozen as he could not believe his eyes. After the shocking moment, they talked to each other. Just after a day, their story got into the news, David Kellman appeared in the scene and claimed that he also looks exactly like the twins and has the same birthday. He also took a DNA test. Surprisingly, the result came to positive confirming Kellman to be their brother. So, Robert, Eddy, and Kellman were triplets.



The boys knew the answer to all their questions would be lurking either in their birthplace or adoption agency. They were well aware that they were born in the Long Island Jewish Medical Center. They also knew that they were handed over to a high profile adoption agency named Louise Wise Services after their birth. The agency was for Jewish kids. In 1980, the six adoptive parents of triplets came back to the adoption agency with some questions.

Evil Adoption Agency


After discovering the startling fact about their birth, Eddy, Robert, and David went straight to the Louise Wise adoption agency to find out the reason behind their separation. They knew that the agency was lying through their truth. All the questions of triplets were put to rest when journalist Lawrence Wright came up with a revelation about the triplets. He confirmed that the triplets were the subject of a study that sought the answer to the question if a person’s development is based on life experience or DNA. Scaringly, the agency did not provide only the triplets as a subject for study but also five other sets of twins.