Related To Dolphins?

Image result for beaked whale

Their appearance is what contributed to their name, the beaked whale. They have a really long and exceptional beak that gives them their name. They might have a body like a dolphin but when you come across them up close you’ll realize that they are nothing like dolphins.


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These whales are very rare to be seen and they get their name from their appearances. Their long beaks do not only contribute to their name but also to their food. These beaks might not look as dangerous as they really are and one should stay as far from them as possible.

A Dangerous Beak

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The beaks that these whales possess help them in the exceptionally deep dives in the oceans so that they are able to catch tasty sea morsels and the marine snacks that they like. The beaked whales usually depend on their beaks for their survival and their food.

Much To Be Known

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There is not much known about these beaked whales even to the scientists because of their likeliness of spending their most of their time in deepest possible waters. This is one of the main reasons that there is so little to be known about these beaked whales.

Captured On Cameras

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There have been only a few times that these beaked whales have been captured on cameras. These sea creatures love to stay at the bottom of these deep oceans and it is very rarely found that these whales come up to the surface and in those rarest of the rarest moments they are captured on cameras.

Luxury To Examine

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The fact that they are rarely seen makes them really hard to examine and study. Scientists consider it a luxury to have exposure to these creatures and get a chance to study the beaked whales. But that does not mean that they have stopped trying, in fact, scientists have started using more resources to find out more about these whales.