Ready For Landing


This deer is absolutely clueless as to what is about to fall on him. Maybe the squirrel is a very friendly chap that enjoys performing pranks on strangers. Hopefully, the deer is a calm soul that can tolerate all the nonsense the active squirrel has to offer.

Deer Lovers


Well as the mating season has hit us, there are bound to be a lot of couples doing the deed. It is natural for all animals to procreate during mating season. These deer are at it and the cameras have unexpectedly caught them in the act.

This Is Fight Cub

animal- look

These lions are holding a secret place to have fights in. No one in the club is allowed to speak about the fights that they conduct. Does this not remind you of Brad Pitt’s movie “Fight Club”? It is very exciting and it makes you wonder if they have any rules inside the ring, right?

Keep Your Trunk Off


This elephant just realized that his favorite tree has been knocked down by other elephants from his herd. He is currently trying to find ways to cope with his stress and get back at the other elephants. We send him our blessing and hope he finds his answers soon.

Just Some Monkey Business


These baboons are the core sources for other animals to get food, or rather, fruits from. They go about helping other species to obtain the fruits they want to eat all thanks to their ability to climb high treetops. It might come as a surprise that giraffes were their biggest customers.

“Just Stop Texting Him!”


When you look at these chimps, they automatically show some signs of argument and tension. The male monkey seems to be requesting the female monkey to stop doing the things that make him mad. We all know this type of couple because most of our couples friends behave like this on a daily basis.