This One’s Going To Hurt


We all know that tigers are on the top of the food chain and they belong there. Have you ever heard of a tiger eating a porcupine? If the tiger really did eat the poor fellow, the tiger probably had a very ‘painful’ meal. We would pay to see all of that go down though.

Everyone Pay Attention To Me


As this family of wolves prepped for their picture for their holiday card, one member was way too excited. In the end, he got so self-involved and ended up photo-bombing the other wolf. You have to admit that they are both so adorable right?

The Perfect Hiding Placeanimal-rhino

This little cheetah was playing the game of hiding and go seek and became a little too competitive. There were so many places that were just too obvious, but at the same time, the cheetah did not want to stray too far from the rest of the pack. His brothers and sisters were all terrified of rhinos but he was not so his hiding place was a brilliant idea.

I’m Too Exhausted Kids


This fox had recently become a mother and after much sleepless night, her health began to simmer. Just like their mother, the cubs were extremely demanding and persistent from birth and when they wanted to feed, they would go to absolutely any lengths to ensure that they got it when they wanted it. She was sleepy but her cubs insisted so she had no choice.

Rough Playing

animal-lionsThese two lions are best of friends. When the other lion came over to play, he got a little carried away and was a bit rough. The first lion got really annoyed and gave him a good one in return.

Finally His Day


Wally the walrus had been going through a hard breakup and had gained a lot of weight. When Wally had realized that he had piled on the pounds, he went into a deeper depression. Suddenly, Wally noticed his exes new walrus showing off in the distance and while doing so, he fell off a rock, backward, and into the ocean, leaving Wally hysterical.