Wonder How This Tastes


This bird right here has been starving himself for days. We feel bad but we don’t really recommend taking a bite out of a camera, it’s really not going to give you the nutrients you need. Please go and hunt for proper food, not mechanical food.

Well Hello There

animals-deer stare

This cute deer was caught loitering around during midnight probably in search of food. He should be able to graze in peace so it’s not surprising that he looks absolutely startled by the foreign object placed deep in the wilderness. Where is his mother?

Ready To Pounce


The poor wild bull is not aware of the ferocious predator behind him. The glare of the cheetah’s eyes in the background are absolutely piercing and it is seconds before that bull is about to become dinner. We can’t help but feel for the poor guy, his facial expression is so innocent and he has no idea what is creeping up on him. This is again a good picture that depicts the food chain correctly.

The Dancing Bear


When he found that there was no one around, this bear decided to bring out his killer dance moves. He even went far enough to use the tree as a prop as he danced up against it, shaking his furry body. Perhaps he was practicing for his audition for the wilderness dance competition, he wasn’t about to let the deer beat him. He was not inhibited at all.

You Want Some Of This?


This huge herd of deer all riled up and ready to attack have gotten together to fight. You must already be aware that being greater in numbers is truly frightening. These deer have cottoned onto that notion and are ready to pick a fight with anyone.

It’s All Mine!


Meerkats are known to be one of the most curious animals out there. They are always prying on others. Therefore, when a camera was placed in their habitat they couldn’t help but jump all over it, questioning what it was and if it was going to do anything to them. The meerkats at the back though, are not the least bit interested.