A Code Red Meeting


Looking at these deer, there was obviously some planning or plotting getting done. They had met up in hurdles and were clearly discussing something. A plan to rule the animal kingdom perhaps? If that day ever comes, we know how it all started.

Showers Of Blessing

animals- monkey

Look at this monkey that is embracing the faucet. It looks as though the monkey has never had a drink of water in his life. You have to feel bad for him, sort of, because he looks too happy for such a trivial thing.

A Nice Deer Hairstyle

animals-deer hair

look at this deer’s hairstyle. We are pretty sure that he is starting off a trend in the world of deer fashion. He would certainly be a really fashion-forward in his community. ‘Would he be flaunting it in front of the girls?’, is a question you have to ask yourself.

Somebody Please Call Rapper Designer


This lovable panda is taking a nap and relieving all of his trees over the week. Maybe he has some broads in Atlanta but as of now has decided to take on the slow life free of all the jing-bang he gets throughout the whole week.

Getting Ready To Rumbleanimals-fight

These deer have been at it for awhile but someone always gets in between and breaks their fight. Now the time has come for them to hash it out without the disturbance of outside factors like the previous times. Look at them stand! *gasp* This was an epic battle, no doubt.

A Helping Hand


Every animal has a maternal instinct that they cannot shake off after giving birth to their infants. This mama bear was just doing her duty to help her cub when he needed a lift. This is what life is all about, helping one another and caring for your family. It is such a joy to see an intimate mother-child moment.