Fighter Aircraft Unravels Mystery
Image 29 Bf 109 Color

Now, let’s come on to the plane after finding out who the pilot was. According to Flensted, the plane was one among the 3,000 Bf 109s being made for the Luftwaffe. In fact, this model holds the record of being the most produced fighter plane. Originally, it was meant to perform the task of intercepting.

Other Purposes
Other Purposes

Later, the plane was used for performing other tasks of all-weather fighting, bomber escort, reconnaissance aircraft, fighter-bomber and even ground-attack. After knowing all about the plane and the pilot things were getting straight for the Danish authorities and most importantly the family. But, the story beheld many more twists and turns.

Dissecting the Parts
Image 12 Findings Laid Out

The fragments of the plane gave an insight of what went wrong in it, which led to the plane getting crashed. Now turning back to the most important finding, that of pilot’s body. The authorities consulted the head of archaeology Torben Sarauw to help them in gathering insight of the whole incident. Luckily, their decision proved to be a wise one.

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Torben made things more interesting when he exclaimed,”It’s quite a special find” after taking a look at all the things excavated from the field. He was particularly surprised to witness the sight of a Bf 109 being uncovered from a field in that specific area of Denmark. As he went on to claim that this was the only time that a German plane was discovered there.

Small Findings Big Impact
Image 13 More Findings

There were many small things which were discovered that had a huge impact on the whole hypothesis on the incident. While speaking to CNN’s Judith Vonber, Sarauw said that they had found 2 Danish coins, three unused condoms, and some food stamps. These things were capable enough to turn the course of this discovery on their head.

Aalborg Canteen
Aalborg Canteen

On further investigation, they found out that the food stamps belonged to a canteen in Aalborg, Denmark. Actually, the Germans pilots had a training base at Aalborg. Apart from this, there were many other facts that the authorities came to know about through the other things they found they found during the excavation.