Ready To Leave

If you are wondering who was the one responsible for taking in this black cat? Well, it was actually Max’s idea to adopt a cat. He told his mom that a cat would be perfect for their house since he was also a lover of pets especially felines. Alex was almost done with his schooling and he had a plan for his future already. He wanted to join the U.S. Navy. Since he had a single mom, it was not a quick or an easy decision. The mother and son were quite close. Since it was mostly just the two of them, they spent most of their time doing things together. The single mom and her young son had been living together, just the two of them for a long while. Since Alex knew that his time to leave home was nearing, he came up with an idea. Since things were going to change soon, he knew that having a pet might make things better.

Yuuki The Cat

Since the mother and son duo lived nearby, they knew that it would be a good place to find a cat that needed a home. The mother and son went to the Cleveland’s Tremont neighborhood where they were hopeful of finding the right cat to live with them. In this neighborhood, there were several animals that had not been placed in foster homes yet. So there they met with a cat that by the name Yuuki. The cat that they met was named Yuuki. She was a female kitten covered in silky black fur. She was a stray cat that had been taken in by the APL. That was the place she stayed in waiting patiently to find a suitable adopter. So when they reached, the first thing that Max and Erin took note of was how lonely she seemed. She stayed in her crate and looked as though she felt out of place there.


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A Particular Picture

So when Alex had gone and left to join a boot camp, it was only Erin and Yuuki at home. Erin missed her son so much so she decided to keep a picture of him from his graduation day on her dresser to look at if ever she needed to see his face. After a couple of weeks, when Yuuki realized that Max was not about to come gliding in the doors of their home anymore. It was then that Erin started noticing her strange behavior.

An Investigation

Erin had never expected a pet to be able to identify a human’s face from a photo alone. So she was quite puzzled and wanted to find an explanation if she could. Surely this case with Yuuki was not one of a kind, that someone must have had the same experience with their pets too. She needed to know that this was not just a coincidence, that it was not just a lovely spot to sleep on for Yuuki. So Erin investigated…

Adventures Of Yuuki

After investigating and taking a close inspection of Yuuki’s behavior, Erin was able to come up with a few conclusions.  Not only did the cat loved sitting next to that particular photo frame of Max, Yuuki loved the view from Erin’s apartment. She would spend a lot of time watching what took place on the streets. She saw that the cat showed signs of interest in the outside world.