Alec Yanisko and Joe Delvecchio were best friends. They had been together since childhood. Hardly was there any person in their surrounding who did not know about their unbreakable bond. Soon, the entire world came to know about their amazing friendship. But what actually happened that they became famous so suddenly. The day in question both the boys raced towards the highly defamed forest on their ATVs. Instead of going inside, they sat at the edge of the jungle and started chatting. Just when they were about to leave their eyes caught something strange hiding behind the woods.

Nothing Matters In Friendships

Alec Yanisko and Joe Delvecchio had the age gap of 3 years between them. Despite that, the two were too mature to understand and keep each other’s secrets. However, in their list of secrets, one thing more was about to be added that they could not keep a secret for a longer time.

Lackawanna County

It is a county in the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. This region is famous for its peaceful and beautiful environment. The region was created in 1878 and since then had been housing hundreds of people if not in thousands. 

Ordinary Trip

No time was perfect for riding on their ATVs than the darkening evening. That day too they set out of their home to steer their vehicle. It was March of 2017 and the weather that was usually hot in the day had taken a pleasant form. Every time the sun was about to fall into darkness the friends would come out of their house and take to the road leading into woods. 

Into The Woods

The county is surrounded by woods. In fact, every house had their backyard opening up to the woods. It is because of that the residents sometimes used to find wild creatures inside their home but they had got accustomed to it and they also had learned how to deal with it.


Alec and Joe were not the only ones who used to ride their ATVs on the serpentine road opening into the woods of county, there were many others too. Usually, a group of ATV riders would drive towards the ignored and underestimated jungle. However, as the fate had it, there were only to them. Surprisingly, no one showed up that particular day but they decided to go on.

Like Champions

The boys took their vehicle out of the garage and informed their mother that they are going to the woods. However, their mother did not like them going to the jungle at that point of time as the dense forest was also a hub of anti-social people. Every now and then news carrying the horrifying crimes transpired in the woods would penetrate this peaceful town. They even forbade them a number of times. But the two being teenagers would never listen to them.