Pets are undeniably an important part of our lives. To some people, their pets mean life to them. Nowadays people have started taking their dogs for holidays with them. Hikes, treks and even abroad for those who can afford. Rest leave them with a trustworthy dog care center. They make our lives happier and help us sleep better. When they are in pain we are hurt too, when they fall sick we too feel sick inside the stomach. If anything happens to our bundles of joy we just can’t stop blaming ourselves for not taking care of them properly.

The reason why we are reminding you all those moments is that our today’s story is kind of similar to such a situation but a bit more dramatic. Where a couple tried all they had in their hands to bring their Benny back.

Animal Lovers

No, they don’t own a cheetah as their pet. The above picture is to give you an idea of their immense love towards animals. This is the story of this couple and their pooch’s struggle. A couple who adore animals and spend most of their time with their pets. Just like every owner, they’re the best hooman (human) to their pets. But how everything that seemed to be very normal and ordinary changed for them within a few hours is a reminder for every pet owner.

Happy Family

Matt and Grace Newman-Hall are natives of Wellington, New Zealand. Both share same interests especially when it comes to animals as a result of which their family consists of 3 more members. Peanut, a cat, Benny and Spike, two beagles are their three babies who eagerly wait for Matt and Grace to return home from their work every day. The trio is always messing around with each other or laying down with ease.


Occupied Owners And Pets

Matt and Grace are always in a habit of keeping themselves occupied with something or the other and similar are the habits of their pets. Although they are always busy throughout the day when their owners aren’t home. While the couple is out for their jobs, a dog walker goes to their place to take Benny and Spike out for a refreshing walk during the afternoons. One Friday seemed like any other day but that didn’t really happen.

The Calm Before The Storm

The morning was going on fine until evening when they received a sad news when they reached home. The dogs were taken for the regular walk to the Belmont Regional Park which is the biggest regional park in Wellington. Dogs are generally taken for walks there as the place offers a lot of places for dogs to have enough exercise. They can play with other dogs with whom they interact in the way. That afternoon wasn’t like the rest in any way.

The Bad News

On April 6th, 2017, a Friday morning when Matt and Grace wished bye-bye to Benny and Spike, the beagles, and Peanut, the cat just like any other day. The day seemed like an ordinary day but by the end of this Friday, the owners about got a sad news about one of their beagles. It came as a big shock to both of them. All of their pets are an important part of their lives and to what extent this couple went is more than believable.

The Escape

That afternoon Benny managed to take off away from its dog carer.  The dog ran straight towards the woods and didn’t return. The dog walker looked for him as far as she could but have to return empty-handed. That day only Spike returned home without his brother, Benny. After making all the attempts when Benny wasn’t found yet it was finally time to inform his family. But the thing is how did he even run away?
