If your dog is gaining a reputation for barking, causing your neighbors to look disgruntled, you don’t have to use harmful methods to stop your dog’s loud habit. Even if you are walking your dog around the park, it can be hard to tell if they are going to start barking at other dogs and people which can spoil a peaceful trip out.

A life-saver for the conscious dog owner, BarXStop uses ultrasonic waves to correct your dog’s behavior safely and humanely. Because it is so convenient, it goes wherever you and your dog go, helping you to train him or her for the better.

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Ultrasonic Waves Are Effective and Non-Harmful

Sometimes, shouting after your dog seems to make things worse. Instead of adding fuel to the fire when they are barking at other dogs, you want to be able to correct their barking using humane methods.

Because BarXStop sending an ultrasonic wave that is 125dB, it cannot be picked up by human ears but it stops dogs from barking immediately as they don’t like the frequency.

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It Works When Your Dog Isn’t Close

When your dog sees something in the distance, it can be hard to stop them from running off. When this happens, it can be a worrying experience, especially when they start to bark.

BarXStop works at a distance of up to 50 feet, sending an ultrasonic wave that distracts them and causes them to stop barking. It can also correct behavior and bring their attention back to you.

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Completely Safe To Use

A lot of anti-barking technologies can be cruel to dogs, particularly the likes of shock collars and chemical sprays. This is why the market has been crying out for an innovative product that can be used safely, without harming your pet.

This is one of the best attributes of BarXStop. Not only is it completely safe for dogs, but also humans as the noise cannot be heard by human ears.

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It Is Multifunctional

The limitations of most anti-barking products are pretty shameful really. They don’t often work in the first place, let alone give you extra functionality.

One of the best things about BarXStop is that it also has an LED light that means you can use it at night or to deter an angry dog by distracting it and changing its behavior.

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So Simple – Even From The First Use

The one-button system makes it perfect for anyone who needs an immediate solution to dog barking. All you need to do is point it at the dog and press the button.

This is why BarXStop makes a perfect training aid. You can correct bad behavior, teach your dog to walk on a leash and train away bad behavior for good.

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A Lightning-Fast Anti-Barking Method

Sure, it takes time to correct dogs’ barking habits and when you are trying certain methods, you need a lot of patience when they don’t seem to work.

Because of the ultrasonic wave technology, BarXStop can correct barking immediately, correcting behavior most simply. You can use it to train your dog properly by rewarding good behavior.

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Works On All Breeds

Some breeds are more stubborn than others and although they are very different in their personalities, BarXStop has been proven to work on any dog breed.

It doesn’t matter what size they are, it can stop small dogs from yapping, and bigger dogs from loud barks that annoy your neighbors. Many people comment on how much of a life-saver the BarXStop is, as excessive barking can cause an unwanted visit from the police.

Depending on where you live, the law isn’t always on the dog owners’ side, so if your dog barks a lot, this could be exactly what you need.

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It Keeps You Safe

When you are jogging around parks, a peaceful run can be ruined when an unfamiliar dog approaches. Even if you are following a familiar route, if you know a big dark is waiting at a certain house, it can put you off your exercise.

This is why a safe anti-barking device like BarXStop is important. You can use it to calm scary-looking dogs and make sure you are always safe.

Where can I purchase the BarXStop?

BarXStop is available for a limited time only, with exclusive offers and free shipping.

Ordering is quick and easy, so take advantage of the great price by ordering yours today.


Available online only and while supplies last.

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