Meet Gordon Cooper

So who is the astronaut that had been keeping his remarkable discoveries from the whole world? Well, he goes by the name Leroy Gordon “Gordo” Cooper Jr. He was the youngest of the seven original astronauts in Project Mercury. In case you did not know this, it was the first manned space program of the United States. So already he had an impressive designation. This man was no ordinary astronaut. He had quite an impressive resume actually. It turns out, Cooper piloted the longest and final Mercury spaceflight in 1963. One other thing that made him standout would be the fact that he was the first American to sleep in space during this 34-hour mission. It may not sound like much of an achievement but it is not a bad feat being the first to be able to do this…

His Secret Discoveries

As soon as Cooper arrived back on Earth, he started working on a decades-long research process. So what did he do? He began making a map of his discoveries and tracking the information about ships that may be linked to the locations he’d seen. He was quite passionate about it and was ready to dig deep and get his hands dirty if that was demanded.

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Cooper’s Treasure

So for a long while, Cooper had been putting his map together. He had put in hours upon hours to make sure that his project did not just go to waste. The journey to learning about Cooper’s map in the hopes of finding buried treasure is documented on a Discovery Channel series called ”Cooper’s Treasure”. This became quite the hit show as many people became instant fans.

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Things From The 1700s

While going on their hunt, the team also located a pile of six ship parts that seemed to belong to the 1700s. “One possibility is that the ship dumped these parts because it was taking on so much water, they needed to get rid of all things heavy,” Miklos further stated to the press as he gave them an insight on what took place during their journey.

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Discoverable Treasure

Miklos is still deciphering the coordinates gifted by Cooper. He is still involved in focus dives based on the anomalies. An episode in Season 2 showed Miklos’ crew, including Perna, Eric Schmitt, and marine archaeologist Jim Sinclair, making use of a plane that they scouted from the blue seas in an area called Dragon’s Teeth, named of course by Cooper himself.