No Limits

People have a lot of misunderstandings about The Vikings. It is believed that raids conducted by them were limited to Northern parts of Europe. However, in reality, they even raided settlements or camps of German, Slavic and Anglo-Saxon tribes that they would plunder with the intention of taking away their money, slaves, or other valuables. But that was not all. 

All Over Europe

And now the recent studies suggest that they had even attacked Southern Europe including Italy, Spain, and many other countries touching the coastline of North Africa. We can say, the Vikings had made an impact all over Europe before their fall.       

Boar Formation

Who knew Vikings had so many amazing qualities. We usually beheld them as an unorganized group of people who had the sole purpose of pillaging everyone and everything appearing in their way. They were even a military powerhouse laced with innovative military strategies. For example, they had invented a strategy named ‘Boar Formation’ in which they used to build a spear-like formation that they put in use in battle. The Vikings often end up winning as nobody at that time had witnessed a formation of this kind before.   

Catch The Winds

The Vikings had a penchant for sailing. Their voyages helped them discover many routes. Yet again, Vikings discovered routes way before Spain, Britain, or Portugal did. Along with sailing all across Europe, they would often explore places located very far from their own regions. It was a big deal in those times. The studies reveal that the Vikings had sailed their boat as far as modern-day Canada, North Africa, and even Russia. They had traveled to Asia a lot of times.  

A Ship To The Other Side

By now, boats had turned into a vital feature of Viking society. They had invented many tactics as well. In those days the only way to reach other countries was through boats. However, Vikings did not use boats as a medium of transport only, they used it for spiritual purpose as well. The Vikings used the boats to transport the dead to ‘Valhalla.’ They would burden the dead on the stone-marked boat.       

An Ancient Burial

The Vikings were guided by the belief that the lifeless body of a warrior is transported to Valhalla through the boat. According to them, Valhalla was a divine place where gods lived and where the deads came to rest. In a simpler way, it was heaven where all the people would reunite after death. By now, it is quite clear that the Vikings were very spiritual and so they used to take this burial ceremony very seriously. The other rituals included the sacrifice of servants whenever their king or nobleman used to die. These prominent figures were buried with their riches as well.