A Critical Problem

The intensive care that Haus needed to live led to astronomical medical bills that the DeLucas simply couldn’t afford. How could they pay to keep their beloved dog—and their daughter’s hero—alive?

An Angel In Disguise

It seemed that The Almighty, was on the family’s side, as a woman named Cherissa Vandergriff, came forward to help the distressed DeLucas’s. She set up a GoFundMe page for the family as a way to crowdfund all of the necessary medical payments for Haus’s care. In the plea for assistance, Cherissa wrote, “The vet treatment has been extremely expensive…”

The Bills Were Rising

Cherissa continued: “He’s been given multiple vials of anti-venom. The vet bills are already at $10,000 and the treatment is not finished. His vitals are h3, his organs are functioning, and if they can afford enough anti-venom, he will recover with no ill-effects.” Fortunately, people from every where extended a helping hand, as, donations came flooding in.

Donations Flooded In

A whopping amount of $51,329, far exceeding their $28,000 goal, was collected. In fact, they had to actually shut down people’s ability to donate! Haus’s story had inspired nearly 2,000 people to contribute money!

Surprise Recovery

Surprisingly, the doctors expected the dog to make a full recovery, which shocked Donya. “It’s semi-miraculous, his condition,” she said. “What keeps me going is how he still flicks his tail every time he sees me come into his kennel, even though I know he’s hurting.”

All’s Well That Ends Well!

Hopefully, everything ended on a good note. “We hope that Haus will get to go home today,” said his veterinarian, Jennifer Holm, on the May 18, 2016, episode of Good Morning America. “We are doing a couple more checks on him early this afternoon, and fingers crossed, we hope that he will get to go home either today or tomorrow.”