A very simple question for all of us, how much do we really know about our beloved planet Earth? Our planet is way bigger than we actually know. Did you know only 5% of the world’s oceans have been explored to date and there’s still 12% of the land on this planet that has not been seen by human eyes? You can imagine what all discoveries are still left to be found. However, what has been discovered so far will make your jaws drop. Every day, archaeologists around the world are making discoveries that are stunning and bizarre at the same time.

Here are some 40 amazing archeological discoveries that seem to be from some fictional world but trust us they are from this planet. For example, the infamous Nazca Lines in Peru. We have no idea, how could humans from that time created such large works of art on the earth’s surface that too, without seeing what it would look like from the sky. We can’t say if it is the work of human or some aliens. It is up to you to decide.

Mysterious Stone Spheres

The archaeologists discovered these peculiar giant stone spheres on the Diquis Delta in southern Costa Rica. This amazing discovery continues to amaze the modern science to this day. Dating back to 600 A.D, they are locally known as Las Bolas and are said to be the monuments from a pre-Colombian civilization. So, what was their purpose? Some experts believe they were used for astronomical purposes. While others believe they were signs that pointed the way for the people for reaching other locations ( maybe reading maps then was difficult). For whatsoever reason they were built and used, we may never find the real truth behind it because the Chibchan people ( the creators) who used to live in the area vanished from the surface of the earth after the Spanish conquest ( at least they could have asked them)

Antikythera Mechanism

We all see movies and there we come across dialogues like, ” this is the most difficult lock that is somewhat impossible to break ( eventually the lead of the movie cracks it very easily ).” But what we have here is the wreckage of a Greek cargo ship, that is dated to be over 2,000 years old. Whoever designed this must have been a genius, just look at this piece of marvel. Experts say it has an intricate network of interlocking gears that has amazed every modern archaeologist and suggests that it was used as an astrological calendar ( yes, not a lock but a calendar). It is one of the most phenomenal pieces of machinery found from that period in the last 1,000 years.

The Great Pyramids

No conversation is complete if they don’t include the Great Pyramids in it. The archaeologists sit and they wait for their turn to talk about this incredible monument. If you ever want to win any conversation where people say, dude science has all the answer, all you have to do is just slide in, and whisper in their ears, what about the Great Pyramids? Total silence.
Theoretical history of the pyramids, which suggests that they were built over 5,000 years ago, to honor the Pharaoh. To show pay their respect the Egyptians built the Great Pyramids. It is hard to imagine how humans were able to move and stack the large stones to built this. So some of our very dear conspiracy theorists friends suggest that the aliens helped the humans in giving it a structure that we see today. We believe you, my friend. End of the story, the mystery around these pyramids remains a mystery.

Nazca Lines

Wow! Just Wow! We mean just take a moment and look at it. Isn’t beautiful? The Peruvian lines may not seem like anything when seen from the ground but the view from the above shows several kinds of design that are nothing but extraordinary. These designs were made by the pre-Inca Nazca Culture people and according to archaeologists, these designs were a way to communicate with Nazca deities ( do you believe it?). We are still going with the theory of alien landings because that makes more sense to us. We just don’t understand, how the people of Nazcan community made these huge designs without knowing what it would look like from the above. So, we think the aliens had their ship that stayed above the ground to see if the other aliens are drawing them right.


The lost city of Atlantis has some great theories attached to its name. Many experts say this city lived at the coast of Greece and some say it was in Japan. No one knows for sure but this lost city of Atlantis is still the prize among the archaeological community. Historians say this city was sunk off the coast of Greece but nothing concrete has been discovered to date. But fortunately, some artifacts have been found that explains that yes, Atlantis was there in past. Maybe one day this mystery will get solved.

The Baigong Pipes

This remote area in China is said to be inhospitable to human life, but somehow there exist three mysterious triangular openings at the top of a mountain that contains ancient iron pipes that are said to from Chinese dynasties. The pipes run deep down the mountain that has its opening in a saltwater lake nearby. You must be thinking, what’s so strange about these iron pipes? According to archaeological experts, the pipes are clear of debris and were meant for some kind of purpose ( obviously), however, even to today, the archaeologists don’t know the reason behind it.
Some theories involve using these pipes for ancient astronomy lab. Could be or could be not. We can’t say for sure.