Laying low

It was just during the short duration of being a model that she came into the limelight, as currently, she tries to stay away from media as much as possible. But, the reality is that it’s not that easy. Her affair with Rickie and her professional life will always keep her in limelight and attract the media.
She couldn’t understand

One question that still confuses Allison is, why did her photos go viral? As according to her there are many women athletes in the sport of pole vaulting who are more attractive and talented than her. I think it might be the case that Allison is undermining herself in this respect or it was just bad luck.
She was not worthy

One thing that proves the fact that Allison is totally true to herself is that she has rejected many offers of appearing on television or working as a model for extremely big brands as according to her she was not worth it. She only wants to gain fame through pole vaulting and nothing else.
A true life lesson

Apart from Allison, it was her parents who also had to face a tough time. It was not easy for them to see their daughter’s photos being all over the media and the internet. They have a big role to play in keeping Allison strong amidst all these troubles and obstacles. Allison also considers itself a lesson for herself to be remembered for her life.
Affected her emotionally

Not many people know the fact that during her college days, Allison wrote an essay describing the mental trauma she has been going through, but she couldn’t gather the courage to show it to anybody. Eventually, she deleted the essay.
Different for men

Allison believes that the only reason for her being exploited was that she was attractive. She even questions the fact that men generally escape from being stuck in such a situation and it is a bias prevailing in the sports fraternity.