A Happy Family

Time heals all the wounds, and it did the same to Hillary Harris, only for a short while. She accepted the fact that she is an adopted child and moved on in life. She got married to Lance Harris and started living in Wisconsin. She even gave birth to a cute little daughter. But, now that she was a matured woman she knew that it was time to look for things she had dumped deep in her heart in teenage years.


Harris and her husband were busy with their daily chores and stuff. Their daughter was admitted to the preschool. Though Harris was satisfied with her living, she now wanted to know about her biological family. She started her search from an old box that she got from her parents’ place.

A File

Harris was confident that she will definitely find something in that box. And as she started looking into stuff in it, she grew nostalgic. A lot of things in that box reminded her of her adopted parents. Some toys, old photographs and her favorite frocks which she used to wear as a child. And then she comes across the file she had been looking for.

Adoption Papers

The file that she found was an adoption file that her new parents were handed over when she adopted Hilliary. She finds her adoption papers in it. She was hopeful that this file would summarise the details about her family, but to her surprise, the file did not furnish all the details or maybe some papers were missing. Yet she was able to find something that might prove helpful to her.

Few Names

Though the file did not provide much information to Hillary, it furnished certain names. The father’s name read  Wayne Clouse. Not only this but she also got to know that she had a half-sister from her father named Dawn Johnson. The papers also had the orphanage name from where Wayne adopted Hillary. Would she be able to locate her family after all these years or was the unexpected written in her fate?

Unanswered Questions

Hillary visited the same orphanage again. She could not recall that she once lived there. And how would she? She was only one year old when she lived there. Just when she thought that the door to this orphanage would lead her to her family, the doors to her hope closed. The orphanage was abandoned and there were no whereabouts of the children that once were sheltered there. Was it the end or a beginning to the unanswered?