Cats. You can love them you can hate them but you can’t ignore them. Even though they love to ignore you. They EXIST to ignore you. But they are curious creatures. They got to all lengths and breadths, literally to satisfy their curiosity. These kitties, either to know what a bee does or to see what their owners hid between the sofa or doors and for what not, created quite a tricky situation for themselves. We are having a hearty laugh though!

“If It Fits, I Sits”

Don’t know if the attraction for this cat was the empty jar in which it could fit or the pretzels inside the jar. Whatever it was, it not only ended up ‘hairing’ all the pretzels but also got itself into a compromising position. Maybe cats are not as smart as we’d have them to be. They don’t think of long-term implication of their actions. At least, its owner had a good laugh.


This tabby cat mistook a bumblebee for a butterfly and kept running around thinking it could catch the little danger guy. The little guy decided to teach the cat some lesson, educate it in what insect is what. The bee went for the paw this tabby was using to gnaw at it. The result? Well, its boot size increased.
Then there was a cat who got stuck in mid-air. Like literally.


Defying Gravity Like…

Yep, the question in my mind is also, ‘how on earth did this kitty get there’. Is this a cat- lizard mutant or a cat-spider? Because nothing else can explain this happening. We can guarantee one thing that this image is not photoshopped. The human who clicked the picture later tried to coax the kitty to come down but cats are not really trusting creatures. They finally had to get it down using a ladder.


“I Bet They Can’t See Me”

Curiosity squeezed the cat. The question is not how did this cat got stuck between in the screens and became a two-dimensional being. The question is, did it have to be inflated when the owners managed to pull it out of there. How did they even do that? One thing is for sure, the owners of this kitty were not in a hurry to get it out, they first made sure to capture this hilarious state of their cat.


Tissue Issue

So your cat needed some tissue to… to clean itself or it just wanted to understand the concept of white disposable paper. Or it just wanted a box to fit in. What is cats’ obsession with boxes anyway? They see a box and they take it upon themselves they fit their body in it. And if they can’t, they take it on their pride. This one could only fit its head in this one.


Tricked By Treat

This cat is so confused. It was expecting to find a treat inside this jar, got in it and not only did it not find anything it also got stuck. Don’t you think some cats make a puppy face better than puppies? This cat sure does. Hope its owner gave it a treat after its plight. It sure does look really in need and want of one.