Animals are a beautiful creation of The Almighty. They innocently love and trust any human on receiving even the slightest of care. Yet, unfortunately some of us are still not able to comprehend this simple fact. This story reflects the pathetic condition in which animals are treated in an inhumane way by their owners, and eventually, left to be stray one’s. Fortunately, for this dog, he landed up in the hands of some caring and kind people.

An Abandoned Pup With Many Issues

Image: Facebook/WOLF SanctuaryBeing abandoned has left several dogs with severe trust issues, and this poor pup was one of those unfortunate dogs. In fact, when the rescuers spotted him on the streets of Los Angeles, they were surprised by just how wild he looked. However, thanks to an even wilder friend this pooch would get a new outlook on life.

Sightings Of This Stray Dog

Image: Facebook/WOLF Sanctuary
At the advent of July in 2016, animal control answered to sightings of a stray dog in a South Central L.A. suburb. The team managed to trace the animal down in a park. Upon approaching him at the park, it was determined that this pooch was clearly ill. In fact, he couldn’t even run because his paws were so swollen.


A Year Old And In Terrible Condition

Image: Facebook/WOLF SanctuaryUnfortunately, several saddening details emerge once the staff at the shelter got an opportunity to have a look at him. This pooch wasn’t even a year old and yet he was drastically underweight and malnutrition. His coat was riddled with parasites, the manga had caused a drastic fur loss. But this was no ordinary dog.

He Was Nicknamed ‘New Boy’

“W.O.L.F. received an urgent request for help [from] Apex Protection Project, one of our wolf rescue partners in California,” the group mentioned on its website. “There was a young wolf dog in a shelter in Los Angeles County, Calif., who needed immediate rescue.”

After The Struggle He Falls In Love

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In the beginning, New Boy looked like he was absolutely petrified of humans and usually, he would stick to corners and stay away from his rescuers. Thankfully all it took were a few days of kindness and patience to get him out of his shell. He dropped his defenses enough so that the vet and the team could begin his treatment. Dr. Stone used a cocktail of antibiotics, painkillers, and medicinal baths to treat this poor creature. This wolf dog was staring to fall in love with his rescuer and this fact was humbling all the sanctuary staff.

He Is Now Moved To A Sanctuary

Thankfully, this Wolf-dog’s uncompromised love for food provided the staff with a chance to gain his trust. It wouldn’t be long for Castiel’s attitude towards the people who showed him undivided love and care would change for the better. In fact, he even grew comfortable enough to take food from the volunteers. On 19 July 2016, Castiel finally stepped out of the infirmary and into the sanctuary at W.O.L.F. At that point, staffers came to the conclusion that this wolf-dog now needed was a close friend. “We knew he was starting to get lonely for canine companionship and wanted to find a companion for him,” Proulx explained.