The world we live in is full of flaws and unfair means. If we look around us, it is most likely that we come across something that is not right. We have issues of inequality, racism, and sexism prevailing in our society these days. Many activists and advocates have worked hard to banish the world we live in from such problems that cause thousands of people struggle to live a happy everyday life. These are indeed serious cases that we should take into consideration with great interest and depth. But sometimes there are so many people that miss the mark and completely fall off topic during some of these intense protests. Some sign boards are meant for safety while some other are meant for rallies.We know that there is a time and place for everything but these signs carried by protesters are too downright hilarious. Take a look at a list of the funniest signs spotted at protests that would surely make you laugh out loud.

You Got Money Problems?


It is often said that money makes the world go round. This is actually very true as everyone needs to work and earn to have a stable living condition. The money we make determines the quality of life we can afford and on so many levels, shows what we are as a person. Because money is such a crucial aspect of life, we often fight over it and many people face problems. This man holding this signboard is covered from head to toe with money. The big question is if has covered himself with real money or just went to photocopy his whole outfit. It is hard to believe that a man protesting about money would decide on going out wearing nothing but money. There have been a lot of debates held about people who want wealth to be equally distributed so as to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor.

Just For The Record

As we are all so different, we often take different approaches on how we show our anger and hate. Some people feel the need to shout things out. Now, this is a very good way of trying to express anger but it mostly ends up with the protesters suffering from laryngitis. Imagine losing your voice and still not putting your point across. That would be a double loss that took so much effort. This person cleverly makes use of the signboard strategy by expressing anger in a humorous way. Although the holder never actually addresses the reason behind the anger, it caught the eye of a lot of people who would ultimately want some answers. Maybe some explanation was made after all of this and the message could actually be sent without making such a racket or noise. So, in the end, this might prove to be a smart way of dealing with issues.

Signs That We Live By


As we have mentioned earlier, many people do not feel the need to protest or see the point in forceful tactic to spread their agenda. There are some cases where the protesters have taken things ways too seriously and too extreme that some members of the public have become disinterested. It takes the right amount of enthusiasm to influence other people so let this be a note for those who believe in shoving their beliefs in other people’s throats.  A group of people decided to get together and make a mockery out of all of these unnecessary protests we often come across these days. Our favorite sign has to be the ‘build prisons on the moon’ one as it is obviously poking fun at protesters who sometimes fall out of line and demand something that is not possible/necessary at all.

An Obvious Statement

During protests, what would be the best way to grab the attention of the authorities? A huge sign right? The protest here was going all well with nothing to hamper the message that these people were trying to convey. However, there was a very distracting sign that completely got attention for all the wrong reasons. It was a huge sign that reads “The People Behind Me Can’t See”. This would have been a very good opportunity that could perhaps get the people involved to spread their message. But sadly, we would never get to know what these people protested about. We just hope that the person holding this signboard was doing the people at the back a favor by blocking their view from looking at something they would later regret ever seeing. Sometimes blocking another person’s, nay, a number of people’s view could turn out to be something positive. We certainly hope this was such a case.

A Summertime Christmas


Have you ever come across someone who is so sensitive to the topic of Christmas? We all have that person in our lives that gets super fussy over Christmas. Then there are people who take this to the next level. Many people feel like the decorations for Christmas should be kept only for the month of December. These people want others who like to spread the joy of Christmas even before the holidays start to stop what they are doing. They feel that decorations for Christmas should not come right after Halloween ends and that these decorations should not stay up until March. It is highly invasive for outsiders to try and control other people’s way of spending their holidays. There are also some folks that like to leave their decorations all year long and not re-decorate the next year. We cannot make up our minds if we agree or not…

How To Make Friends


You will always find that one protester who is just looking for the fun of it all in every march. These people use these protests in trying to find companions or ever lovers that they could perhaps spend quality time with.  This person carrying this particular signboard goes the extra mile and invites people to play some Scrabble after the whole protest is done. This person clearly feels like these protests are like any other social gatherings where it is acceptable for people to fish out new friends. Maybe playing Scrabble is the only thing that this person s good at so as to impress new people. We cannot make up our minds as to whether this is a brilliant way of making new friends or a very deceptive way of using the protest to gain attention. Anyway, do you think it worked at all?