Some of the best relationships begin unexpectedly. None of us know, why does one cross our path until we begin to feel a change. Not every day we meet someone who can change our lives in ways unimaginable. We meet someone or the other over time and some of those bonds and relationships turn into a beautiful friendship and at times into more special ties. Not many of us discover why did a counterpart step into our life, and when we do, it’s beyond imagination. Every fateful relationship carries a hidden meaning behind it.

This is the story of a lady and a cop who developed a special bond but did not realize it until the day the cop sought to his instincts to sense an unusual happening.

Smelling A Change

Do you wish to help others and serve your country and your nation? Then you might opt for a career in law enforcement. Not only one gets to bar the criminals but also gets to make the streets a safer place for the people around. Being committed to a profession like this, one becomes aware of every surrounding around them. One gets to learn about the little quirks of each person on every street. Because of the nature of their job, it’s easy for cops to notice when something was amiss just like when a girl who sees a cop daily mysteriously disappears…

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Unreal Story

However, if one truly wants to understand the bizarre nature of this story, one will have to learn a little more about this lady in question. Who was she? Where was she from? These are mostly the questions that go through the minds of police officers on a daily basis while they are on their duty, and one cop knew that he had to get involved when the incident happened.

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The Cop

Since the neighboring area wasn’t safe and often witnessed scenes, there were always cops on the sight. They would fulfill their duty with utmost determination. Police officers without any delay are always there and ready to help us. They never fail to appear on the scene and always offer a helping hand to the public. However, one cop, in particular, became a light of hope in the childhood of Klynn.

A Hero

In words of Klynn, this cop was no less than a hero. She says, “Through all the bad situations, I would just picture him saying that he was here for us and that if we ever needed him, he would be right there”. Klynn recalls,  “He was the one person that I trusted in my life as a kid.” Both, the cop as well as Klynn would look up to the next day to greet and wave to their new friend. Things were going as usual until the day something not-so-usual happened.


The cop could not understand what was wrong? He was astonished to not find Klynn that day. For an instant, he was taken aback. His favorite part of the day was missing today. Just a mere waving ritual taking such an abrupt break upsets the cop. He knew that something must have happened that’s why the little girl was absent on the sight. The cop somehow could smell the suspicion and trusts his instinct to make his next move.

Is Anyone There

The cop was sure that something was fishy about the situation. Though he was making guesses that Klynn might have been busy, his heart did not agree to it. He wanted to make sure that she and her brothers were fine and there was nothing to worry about. The cop stepped out of his car and stepped towards Klynn’s house. He knocked on the door, but to his worry, there was no response. This time he knocked even louder, but there was still no answer.  The cop with a jerk opened the door and rushed in. He wasn’t prepared for the sight which greeted him…