Kai And White

Humans have taken over the world and why wouldn’t we? When we are granted with an extraordinary gift; the gift of intelligence. We have a few set standards of beauty and elegance and we most of us follow them whole-heartedly. Some species get more worldwide attention than others and tigers are one of the lucky ones. Tigers are huge, wild and beautiful all at the same time. Leaves us wondering about the mysterious dense forests and the fascinating wildlife. Have you ever thought on how these creatures would behave if they are kept away from the natural environment? Well, the way we see them reacting in circus and zoo, that’s not their true self. Kai and White were two rare white tigers. Rare because of their color.

Maybe Yes

The zookeepers were concerned about Kai and White’s lives. The matter was now out of their hands as the owner was now looking into it personally. However, nothing was in their hands all they could do was to pray for them. So, the owner contacted the person and this Russian guy was about to show up the next day to see the cubs. So, this guy was about to turn up the next day and all the zoo staff knew about him was that he was Russian. They wanted to know if Kai and White were going in the right hands or not. The next morning everyone who felt bad for the cubs was waiting for this Russian guy to walk in…

Challenge Accepted

Adopting two cubs, in whom nobody saw any hopes was not an easy task. But it was a challenge Mikhail and Eugenia was ready to take. The zookeepers took a breath of relief seeing Kai and White finally going into the right hands. Even the zoo’s owner was happy that the tension was not on his head anymore. 

Alive And Healthy

Kai and White were alive and healthy. The dedication of their humans was finally paying off. The cubs who weren’t accepting milk were now happy whenever they saw the milk bottles in their owners’ hands.  The couple later explained that these exotic animals should never be raised by normal people. The couple is rich enough to take care of many tigers and on top of it, they have the knowledge and experience too.

17 Years Of Caring

Mikhail took care of a tiger for the first time almost 17 years back. Their journey started when Mikhail saw a circus worker taking a tiger out for a walk. He was thinking about caring for these tigers for no monetary profits. Eugenia, his wife was mesmerized by the wildlife and immediately agreed to help. They trained tigers to be well-mannered not to do tricks.