This is a tale of a couple, who adopts a Chinese baby girl. Life was nothing but ordinary until the day she attentively hears their old clock.  What happens after the little girl hears the sound from the old clock was truly unbelievable. Everyone just had a single question running through their minds that, “Is something like this even possible?” Read in here to find out what was that sound from the clock and what were its repercussions.

The Baby Girl

She was an adopted child. A little girl who owes her happy and healthy life to her adopted parents. She was found in a paper box which was lying outside a train station for days. She then found a clock in a shoebox at her new parents’ house and it leads to something profound. Something that was strange to the entire world. Well, let’s start from the very beginning and see how things unfolded.

Chuck And Kim Walker

Chuck and Kim Walker have known each other since long. Even they didn’t realize when their friendship blossomed into something more pure and blissful. It all began with visiting the church together and meeting each other at Sunday prayer meets. Though Chuck and Kim did not expect much out of these casual meetings, these meetings marked a significant beginning in their lives.

The Proposal

And one fine day, Chuck gathered all his courage and presented his deep-lying feelings of love to Kim. Just like any other girl would be, even Kim was surprised. She wasn’t expecting anything like this to come her way. Kim too somewhere knew that Chuck was more than a friend to her but never agreed. And now, that Chuck was all on his knees, Kim couldn’t have got a better opportunity to reciprocate her feelings.

Happily Forever

Kim readily accepted Chuck’s proposal. She too admitted her love for him. And then what? The duo tied the knot in the year 1982 in the presence of their family, friends, and relatives. It was a typical Christian White Wedding. The much in love friends were now officially a happily married couple. Their friends in a teasing manner now called them, “The Walkers”.

16 Long Years

It took quite long for Kim to consider adoption as a healthy option. She wanted to give birth to a baby rather than adopting one. Surely, destiny had made other plans for them. It took nearly 16 long years for the couple to adopt a child. Little did they know that they were bringing home someone who would change their lives forever.

The Grandfather’s Clock

The family owned a centuries-old grandfather’s clock. Every time the clock struck the hour, it will give out some music. Little Kenzie was amazed by this clock. As and when the clock would sing Kenzie would clap excitedly at it. It was then that the things took an interesting turn. As the girl grew a little older, she would sing along the clock. She would mumble out words and would make sounds in contrast with the clock. She made sure that her sounds complemented every word that came from the clock. Her voice would be in the same tone and melody as the clock. Kim and Chuck initially did not pay much attention to this. But as they realized that this was a constant ritual that their daughter followed, they were absolutely amazed at it. Not only did Kenzie found a new home but she also discovered her talent. Walke’s started believing that their youngest child was a gifted one. Gifted with a beautiful voice.