We all are familiar with the words, “no work is big or small”. Each job role has its own significance. A guy named Travis Ray Sattler is the one who showed it to the entire world. When you are assigned a task make sure you give your best shot at it. Anyone can make a difference, is the sole lesson of our today’s story we are going to share with you. He looks like just another guy but is he? Definitely not! And you are soon going to know some incredible deed that this guy did. It looks like the job of a cashier is simple but that’s not true. Being at the front counter of a famous outlet is a much bigger responsibility than many people will ever understand. People come up with issues and one needs to be very patient and polite at the same time. They’re customers and should be treated with respect in any situation. Mostly, employees don’t really get the importance of their jobs unless they’re appreciated. But to get this appreciation one needs to be a bit extraordinary. After all, the one standing at the front counter is representing a countrywide known company; Freddy’s.

One Famous Outlet

Working And Studying

Travis Sattler is a student at the nursing school and working at the same time. He manages his work and his studies all together quite nicely. He is the type of guy who is interested in every other thing and relies on no one to achieve his goals. The guy became a reason to be known around the world for his surprising act.

Just An Appreciation?

A cashier getting rewarded for his good job! How often do we get to see that? Especially when the award doesn’t come from his managers. Well, you would certainly understand it if you have ever worked as a customer service or a worker who gets directly in contact with the customers. Be it a guard who opens the door for you in person or be it an agent who helps you with any of the products or services over the phone. A word of appreciation from a customer is enough to make one’s day better.

Trip To Freddy’s

For foodies, Freddy’s Frozen Custard and Steakburgers are not just an ordinary restaurant chain but a heaven that is easily accessible. Whether ordering a complete meal or just a burger, every once in a while we get tempted towards their amazing dessert options. We too deserve some sweetness in life, don’t we? Walking out of Freddy’s without having dessert means either you don’t like sweets or you are resisting or you can’t afford it. One little boy was at Freddy’s to treat himself and wanted to have his all-time favorite dish. But seems like he had some trouble.

The Lengths People Will Go

Freddy’s Frozen Custard is just so proud of their options of desserts as they are said to be one of the best in the town. This little boy was about to put Travis Sattler in a tricky situation. And how he was about to respond to this situation was going to mean a lot in his life and others too. That day was a different one and time was about to test Travis when this unknown boy walked through the doors of the restaurant.

Man Behind The Counter

Travis Sattler wasn’t a new employee as he has been working with the Freddy’s for almost 6 months. Over the years, he developed excellent customer service skills and always got positive feedback from the customers. As a result of his great work, Travis was seeing for a scope of getting promoted from an executive to a manager. His job role used to keep him mostly in the kitchen than the counter. When Travis started his work shift that day he didn’t have even the slightest of an idea of what scenario is about to unfold in front of him.