We all are two different people when at work and when at home. So, all of us live a dual life somewhere or the other. Especially a cop’s life is pretty much different than others for sure. This is one such story of a beautiful as well as responsible cop who was living a dual life who went on to become a sensation in the whole world.

Samantha Sepulveda who is also known as Sammysep is one in a million personality. Her distinctive nature was visible since her childhood. However, no one ever thought she would go on surprising everyone even her own colleagues and friends. People still don’t believe this to be a true story but things happen in this world whether we believe it or not. This stunning lady’s life is what could be said to be equally adventurous like undercover agents.

An Early Immigration

Born on February 4th, 1984 in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Samantha Sepulveda moved to the United States when she was just 5 years old. With the only motive of giving her kids a better and brighter future. Her mother managed to migrate them at the right age, exactly before getting started with studies where she makes both of girls’ way to school in the New York City. Once Samantha started schooling with her elder sister, her field of interest, ie, sports, aspired her to work harder and harder.

A Regular New Yorker

Samantha’s mother started working in the factory for full time to save enough for her daughters’ bright future. She was always into sports and outdoor activities. She was no ordinary player rather an extraordinarily talented young girl who showed the potential of being an upcoming athlete in the near future, fate’s plan for her was different though. With the growing age, her determination to achieve what seemed impossible to many, for her it was quite a vision. She has always been one of those who believes in breaking people’s doubts by actions, not words. 

Scholar Star

University life gives almost everyone a clear picture of what they really want to do with their lives. Sammysep as everyone calls her went beyond everyone’s expectations and rise above all the criticism that she received. She was an exceptional player and got a Lacrosse scholarship that opened doors for her to study as a student at the Isenberg School of Business, the University of Massachusetts in 2003. She started taking responsibilities to show her seriousness about fitness and sports. From here she received her business degree but this was a big step for her as she decided not to pursue a career in the corporate world but to do something that is more worthwhile for her.

Lacrosse Hero

She was the New York state’s Schloss Award for girls’ lacrosse in her name. She was young and she was admired not only for being beautiful but for being such a good sport. Wherever she played she indulged in the game completely. Definitely making her mother, the lady who always wanted her girl to have a secured future feel proud about her. 

Petite Woman

Sammysep is neither a tall woman nor too muscular but she was a fitness freak and even though she was 5 foot 2 inches, she was stronger than her weight and size. When she told her decision of becoming a cop to everyone, many people doubted her because it looked like she won’t be able to take down criminals with that petite size of hers. However, she succeeded not only in fooling everyone but blowing away their minds.


Her future path took a turn with her choice. After completing her master’s degree in business and finance from the Hofstra University, Sammysep went on succeeding in convincing her family about her choice of career. Her degrees and knowledge could have gotten her a good job with a regular life in any MNC but the idea of a 9-5 job always freaked her out. Now was the time to do what she was most interested in.