Many times in our lives we do things that make us feel proud. This is the story of one such moment that occurred. Who knew it would not be forgotten as it will become once in a lifetime moment for the poor creature who was morally obliged to thank his savior. The reason why this story has touched hearts across the world is that many people might’ve passed by but no one bothered to help. Heroes aren’t aliens they are just like us. What makes them different is their willingness to make efforts and take the risk for the right thing. That’s what our today’s story all about.


This incident took place in Romania, a European country known for its beautiful historic cities, amazing natural beauty, and cultural diversity. Tourists have been saying that Romania takes one a little bit back in time. The country people are still fond of horses as they are a part of their daily life. When talking about horses, there’s a 150 years old festival that includes a parade of 1800s costumes, horse-drawn carriages, traditional food, music and special performances. But what was seen and recorded in a video one fine day was nothing but an eye-opener.Image result for romania

Wild Horses

We are talking about horses here for two main reasons, first, horses are a specialty of Romania, second, our today’s story is about a horse. Trust us when we tell you that he is no ordinary animal as you’ll say it too when you see the video ahead. He certainly did the most unexpected thing in the most emotional time. Horses can be a man’s best friend you just need to treat them nice as they’ll happily devote their lifetime helping you and loving you.

Immense Pain

Horses are dignified creatures. They are known for their loyalty and have been close to humans since their very existence. An unfortunate horse was in immense pain. Animals are mistreated everywhere around the world. Yes, we all love our pets but very few take out time to save the rest. This beautiful black colored was one such horse. And there’s a reason why he was in this pain which is nothing new in Romania.


The poor young horse’s front feet were chained, he was hardly able to walk. This practice of tying up horses front or hind feet is very usual in many countries including Romania. The horse suffers from pain, and could possibly faint as when he’ll try to cross any fence he might trip and fall. After that, you can imagine that a tied up horse will not be able to stand back on his feet and will starve in the same spot. Such was this horse’s fate too until his guardian angel came to the rescue.

A Common Scenario

No matter how strong and brave any creature is, they fall prey to humans anyway. Just like this horse, who was tied by some hunter so that he couldn’t go far off and could be tracked down whenever needed. A guy named Ovidiu Rosu saw this horse from a distance and immediately understood that something was wrong with this horse. He knew he was supposed to hurry but what he never knew was the horse’s reaction to it.

Unable To Walk

While many people respect horses as an animal whose ancestors have been helping humans to cover long distances and fight uncountable wars. They are still tied up just for sports purposes. When Ovidiu saw this young horse, he knew he has to do something to free the guy. He was so determined to help that the risk of being hurt by the horse doesn’t seem like an issue to him. Horses may act aggressively when any person would walk close to him.