Rolling And Spoiling

How would you react if the back of your newly custom-made sofa has a rare piece of painting on it? Oh no, don’t be that happy. The canvas is painted by your dog! Imagine your dog rolls over into the backyard fields and enjoys that wet manure all over his body. And then what he does next is some painting onto your sofa; imprinting his dirty muddy paws. Well, that will surely blow away my mind quite literally.

Is That A Seal

One of the dog owner’s share their story of a dog turning into a seal. Yes, you read that right. The man was not able to find his grey sweatshirt and literally searched the entire house to find that. Later on, when he stepped into the bathroom he was taken aback by what he saw. It was a seal in there. No, not exactly was it a seal but his dog which got inside his lost grey sweatshirt. The dog definitely looked cute which made the man capture him in his sweatshirt.

That Pizza Slice

That last slice of pizza belongs to me and not to you my cat. The keeper of this cat will surely be irritated at this one. This cat licked that slice of pizza and seems interested in having the entire one. No one would even offer a bite of pizza from their slice. What if it turns out to be the last slice of that deluxe pizza? Definitely,  one would never want to give away the last piece. And so is this cat, not giving over this one.

What’s Yours Is Mine

This image quite easily sums up as to what a jerk this cat is. It is an old story now when the cats used to run away from dogs out of fear. Now, cats readily steal the dog’s bed and fearlessly sleep over it. This kitty stole the dog’s bed and sits on it as if it is her own property, while the dog does nothing but lays his head motionlessly on the cat’s bed. Probably that’s the only part of his body which would fit in there! Pitty You Doggo.

Litter And Not Puzzle Box

One of my friends told me that her ragdoll found her new litter box in a newly bought puzzle box. The notorious cat would roam around this box and would mess all with the jigsaw pieces. She would prefer sleeping amongst the pieces instead of her bed. Moreover, she wouldn’t let her owners play with the puzzle. Everything was bearable till the time she decided to pee into the puzzle box.

Family Picnic Rampage

A family once took their dog for a walk on Sunday afternoon. It was a merry day, many families came to have a picnic there. But an animal is an animal and can never be predicted. The dog, before anyone could realize just ran into a family’s picnic area and snatched a hamburger from their toddler’s hand. He spoiled the sheets and munched onto the stolen food. The owners of the dog had nothing else but a sorry for the toddler’s parents. That would have been an amusing sight to watch.