Baa, Baa Black Sheep

We all have recited, ” Baa, Baa Black Sheep, Have You Any Wool?”, the famous kindergarten rhyme at least once in our lives. Then, we have asked the sheep for wool and today, two Norwegian men, provide it with the wool. Once a little lamb was found drowning in a lake with a heavy flow of water. Luckily, two heroic men caught her sight and jumped into the water to save her. While they were initially scared to jump, they gathered courage and managed to rescue her and covered her with a blanket to provide her warmth.

Mr. Fox

No, we aren’t talking about the famous fictional character Mr. Fox, but about a man from Ireland who nurtured the two little foxes which he found abandoned in the dark forests. Gibbons, the good Samaritan has adopted these two foxes who actually seem to have adopted Gibbons as they are not ready to leave his side under any circumstances.

The Silent Dolphin’s Scream

A little dolphin was once washed off to the seashore by the giant waves. This tiny creature was lying there helpless until a man with a heart as big as a dolphin’s brain came to her rescue. He immediately rushed towards her and picks her up into his arms. Without wasting another second he carries the little dolphin to the sea and bids her adieu at the doorsteps of her habitat.

The Deer Man

Yes, you read that right. It is the deer man and not the dear man. An old man saved a deer as big in size as his from the muddiest water. The poor deer was lying unconscious on the waterlogged road when the man saw it. The deer was feeble and could barely move. The man picked up the deer in his arms and traversed all the way through the flooded waters to save this creature. The man was no less than a savior for the deer.

Dog Before Crash

No wonder as to why the children are called the form of almighty. A little boy rushed onto the road with heavy traffic to prevent a dog from being crushed under the fast running vehicles. The boy fearlessly jumped between the rushing cars and saved the scared dog. The bravery this small boy showcased is praiseworthy. His little heart stores a great deal of sensitivity.