Being an important part of our lives for more than thousands of years now, dogs have owned their status as man’s best friend. They are loving, humble, smart, obedient, funny and innocent. Alright, let’s be honest here, dogs can be stubborn and hyperactive too depending on their breed, age, and upbringing. They might cause some inconvenience but dogs are family just like kids or buddies. Loyalty and compassion run through dogs’ veins as they have been known to put their lives at risk to save their owner.

The incredible dog we are going to introduce you with has raised the standards higher than ever. By the end of this article, his amazing pictures and the unbelievable story will surely amaze you. So get ready to meet our new hero and most probably yours too!


In 2001, a black Labrador Retriever-English Springer Spaniel mix was born and named  Treo. At first, as a pup, he lived a normal life in a family house. However, Treo’s owners said that he is a rebellious personality and couldn’t be taught at home. Their complaint was regarding his furious nature towards anyone and everyone, including strangers, guests, and sometimes family members too. Treo’s owner then made a decision that will change the little pup’s life forever!

For additional information, the furious nature of pups is very common and can be easily supervised before they start behaving aggressively. If trained and pampered properly they can be molded into the kind of companion you are looking for.

Labrador Retriever

Leave The Family

When Treo’s owners were completely fed-up of him as he was always overloaded with energy and gets into trouble every now and then, they decided to leave him. But unlike many irresponsible owners, they were not going to abandon him on the roads nor they were thinking to leave him in a shelter. After all, Treo was too cute to stay at any of the shelters, plus his owner wanted him to be in the right hands who can teach or train him. Treo’s family doubted that the volunteers at the shelter will be able to keep him calm. So they had to find a better option for him.


Treo’s owner decided to donate the pup to the military to get him to unravel. That’s how Treo new journey started when he joined the army a completely different schedule from the rest of the ordinary pet dogs. Treo was eligible to join the army, he needed a lot of training though. The pup was all set for this distinct job. However, Treo wasn’t the first dog to get into the army he shook the world with his superpowers.


Due to his misbehavior, everyone assumed that Treo wouldn’t be able to make it till the end of the training. Not only the last couple of weeks changed everyone’s perception of him as an erratic pooch also he became one of the best professional dogs by the end of the training. This was just a training and Treo was now ready to speed up in real life and war situations.


Treo was now an official detection dog with his first posting in Northern Ireland. He did a tremendous work in sniffing out drugs and explosives day and night. The pooch was continuously keeping up the hard work of saving enormous innocent lives without any complaints and demands. For a couple of years, everything seemed to be fine.